一个ECOM this month struck out on most of its initial lawsuit to collect on COVID-19-related property damage insurance claims from Zurich America Insurance Co.



-judge John A. Kronstadt。加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳的美国裁员法院。

Many similar lawsuits around the country have also failed, running into the roadblock of virus-specific exclusions. Nevertheless, AECOM began an appeal on Jan. 19.

约翰·A·克朗斯塔特法官(John A.

"The contamination exclusion plainly bars plaintiff's claims," Kronstadt wrote, "and the Louisiana endorsement does not apply to the losses the plaintiff alleged because none of those allegations concern property located in Louisiana."

一个mong a series of state-specific endorsements made to the various coverages purchased by AECOM was one that in Louisiana replaced the usual exclusion of contaminants. Instead, the policies had an exclusion of "any solid, liquid, gaseous, thermal or other irritant, including, but not limited to, smoke, vapor soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals, fungus or spores."



一个ECOM had claimed that its losses came as a result of having to shut down some of its 800 offices and construction sites globally because of the virus. More than 650 projects were closed in May, 2020, and at least 500 employees have been infected, the firm claimed.