Hydropower sector participants that traditionally have been at odds–industry firms, dam safety groups, and environmental advocates—are working together on a shared new mission—to push legislation and projects to upgrade the growing fleet of deteriorating dams across the country and remove those structures that serve no economic purpose.


They now advocate inclusion of a 30% tax credit for hydroelectric dams, among other dam-related provisions, in the Build Back Better Act. Although the $1.7 trillion social and spending bill has been stalled in the U.S. Senate for months, lawmakers from both parties have recently signaled their support for carving out and bringing to a vote some of its non-controversial provisions, including the climate- and energy-related measures.

这些团体已经通过斯坦福·伍兹环境研究所的“罕见对话”计划开会了两年多,该倡议试图将群体经常带到一个热门问题的相对方面,进入一个房间,以找到一致的协议领域。研究所董事克里斯·菲尔德(Chris Field)表示,鼓励这些团体以一种非危险的方式进行工作,以“探究可能以前似乎很棘手的解决方案”。


while some participants may have had different political ideologies, “everybody was interested in a similar set of outcomes, with a management framework in place where groundwater resources were tracked,” Field says. Dan Reicher, a senior research scholar at Stanford and a former US Energy Dept. assistant secretary, has chaired the hydropower group.

国家水力发电协会发言人勒罗伊·科尔曼(Leroy Coleman)表示,这些团体聚集在一起,因为美国大坝基础设施的条件不断恶化,也普遍共识,即水力发电可能是解决气候变化的有用工具。他说:“我认为Hydro被包括在Build Back更好的包装中的事实表明,国会认识到这对于清洁能源的未来至关重要。”在美国的90,000多个水坝中,只有2500个能够产生水力发电。“所以那里有机会。”



Brian Graber, senior director of American Rivers’ river restoration program, says that he isn’t sure that any of the groups would have been as successful on their own in persuading lawmakers to include so much funding for dams, dam removals and dam safety. Support for the hydroelectric provisions was largely bipartisan, he says. Some dam safety and environmental provisions in the infrastructure law were championed by Senate Republican Rob Portman (Ohio). “It’s unusual for Republican senators to support environmental provisions,” Graber says, but because the groups worked together, they were able to propose the measures that they could agree on as a “full package.”

