The Army Corps of Engineers hasreleased详细的逐项项目崩溃,概述了它计划如何在《基础设施投资和就业法》(IIJA)中为其民事工程计划(IIJA)提供的171亿美元输液中的2022年部分。

The much-awaited “spend plan,” which the Corps released on Jan. 19, contains funding to start some new construction projects, accelerate work on others and provide enough money to bring another set of projects to completion.

在2022财政年度,根据Corps Civil Works建设帐户,在总计74新利18备用网址亿美元的项目中。[查看施工帐户故障here.] That includes funding to start 22 new construction projects and complete funding for 19 others. The funding is in the form of appropriations.


众议员Debbie Wasserman Schultz(D-Fla。)在一份新闻发布会上说,该计划“为一大批[Everglades]项目的大量资金提供了大量资金,这些项目已经停滞了很多年。”新利18备用网址

Congress authorized the program in 2000. Its total cost is estimated at $23.2 billion, according to a Sept. 28, 2021, Congressional Research Service report.


The plan, which Congress mandated in the IIJA, also includes $732 million to complete design and construction of a replacement for Lock and Dam 25 on the upper Mississippi River at Winfield, Mo. Another allotment is $466 million to complete and close out a project to build a new Kentucky Lock on the Tennessee River.

Also on the list is $478.9 million to complete and close out a replacement-lock project at Sault Ste. Marie in Michigan.

高级顾问加里•勒夫智慧h water resources consulting firm Dawson and Associates, said in an interview that all of the projects in the plan are already in the Corps pipeline at some stage of development, adding that he expects movement on projects soon.

Loew, a former chief of the Corps civil works program's integration division, says, “There’ll be some contracts advertised in the next month and … some in three months and some in six months.”


法律和游说公司琼斯·沃克(Jones Walker LLP)的特别顾问约翰·道尔(John Doyle)表示,其他事情应关注的是包括军团决定在各种IIJA项目中使用的合同机制。新利18备用网址



Michael L. Connor, assistant secretary of the Army for civil works, said in a statement that the funding will “strengthen national supply chains through our commercial navigation mission, help communities impacted by climate change to increase their resiliency, advance environmental justice and invest in communities that have too often been left behind.”
