Some demolition accidents happen in full public view, such as the sudden collapse of a 13-story condominium in Miami Beach in 2018.



美国职新利18备用业安全与健康管理局的ENR审查2021fatal demolition accident records表明1月开始糟糕。

一个7 x 6-ft平板部分在哈里斯的脚下爆发,他死于钝力创伤并从落在他顶部的混凝土中碾碎伤口。

The first accident occurred on New Year’s Day last year in Lincoln, Neb. Twenty-five-year-oldMason Mack Harris另一名工人被当地的MWE服务公司雇用,也被称为中西部拆迁,这是在青年庇护所的扩建项目进行拆迁工作。这两者试图在第二层上拆下典型的混凝土阳台,在地上约10英尺处。


在他们工作的时候,7英尺x 6-ft平板部分在哈里斯的脚下爆炸,在秋天,混凝土落在他的顶部。他死于钝力创伤和破碎的伤口,而他的同事遭遇断腿。

OSHA cited Mwe Services for three serious violations and proposed a fine of $30,000, later reduced to $21,000—and an informal settlement was reached, records show.


Four days after the Lincoln, Neb., accident, A&W Excavations, based in Chipley, Fla. and recently founded, had several employees working beneath the roof of a commercial building in the area they intended to demolish. According to OSHA records, the crew that was chain-sawing building truss members had been trained in trenching and excavation pipe-laying but not in the task they were performing that day.

As they worked, the roof collapsed, dropping the crew about 15 ft to the floor, killing one member. The others had injuries treated at a hospital.

OSHA cited A&W Excavations for six serious and one willful violations. The initial proposed penalty of $170,000 was cut to $70,000 under an informal settlement.



Miami Beach Accident Aftermath

The 2018 Miami Beach accident, which occurred on July 23, was one of the most unusual accidents captured on video.


An employee of locally based AlliedBean Demolition, Landis had在建筑行业工作most of his life. According to his obituary, he started as a laborer but also worked as an operating engineer, supervisor and operator of his own demolition contractor.



Landis’ mother, Judith Anne Landis, filed a lawsuit in 2019 in state court in Miami-Dade County against AlliedBean Demolition and numerous other companies involved with the project. The claims in that suit all were settled before trial, said AlliedBean’s attorney.



承包商必须遵循详细的拆迁计划,说肯更短, a Baltimore-based safety consultant and expert witness. That plan should include a hazard analysis and a document about how to proceed with the work. The hazard analysis should be used to train the project crew.

“Any professional demolition company will do that," Shorter said, in order to comply with standards for construction and demolition operations published by the American National Standards Institute and the American Society of Safety Professionals.

此外,一位称职人士应不断监控工作,他说,确保一个结构尚未达到崩溃状态。He said a qualified person is needed to do that and for a complex structure, "a structural engineer may be the way to go.”



