Setting a new baseline for its cordless tool offerings, tool maker Hilti announced the introduction of Nuron, a new 22V battery platform that will power all of its cordless power tools going forward. The lithium-ion batteries will be compatible with all of Hilti’s refreshed cordless tools, from the smallest cordless drivers to the largest breakers and concrete saws.

The unveiling of the new battery comes with a collection of dozens of new tools, which replace earlier models running on previous generations of batteries.

“Never before have we launched 70 tools at once,” says Christopher Loos, CEO of the Hilti Group. He credits this unusually large starting lineup to the Nuron battery, which is able to “cover applications from light-duty drilling all the way to heavy-duty concrete chiseling and crushing.”

Hilti plans to eventually bring all of its existing cordless tools over to Nuron batteries. The Schaan, Liechtenstein-based tool manufacturer is beginning the rollout of Nuron tools in the U.S. and Canada, with a global rollout to continue throughout the year.

最初的选择包括圆形锯,金属切割工具,断路器,驱动程序,撞击扳手以及用于电气和管道交易的专业工具。根据HILTI W. Huber的说法,除了刷新现有工具线外,Hilti还将Nuron用作跳板,将Nuron用作新的无绳工具类别。他说:“我们从头开始开发了所有这些工具。”“这使我们能够将工具添加到以前无法想象的投资组合中,并将性能推广到否则需要高压平台,甚至是气体驱动工具的限制。”

虽然电池仅在22V下进行额定额定值,但电子控制和电池的排列允许它们在高需求应用中使用。TE 2000-22无绳钉锤可用于这种激烈的混凝土破坏和拆除活动,通常会要求有绳索或气动锤。锤子在两个较高的放大器小时电池上运行,仅重38磅。与此同时,DSH 600-22截止锯需要两台Nuron电池,可以通过混凝土,砌体,钢筋和其他苛刻的材料,在重量仅为18.73磅。

Tools like the TE 2000-22 jackhammer, DSH 600-22 cordless cut-off saw are designed to perform as well as pneumatic jackhammers or gas-powered saws, says Huber, who says a combination of battery design and heat management lets them draw the power they need. But what really gets them through high-demand applications is the built-in electronic controls. “We developed an interface from the battery to the tool that allows us to draw more than 100 amps out of the battery,” he says, adding that the dual-battery design found on the breakers and saws is only necessary on the most demanding applications.

尽管NURON电池的尺寸因放大器小时等级而变化,但它们都与Nuron工具兼容。电池研发制造商小组经理摩西·恩德(Moses Ender)表示,新的电池还成为希尔蒂未来无绳技术开发的基础。他说,希尔蒂(Hilti)在Nuron工作了很长时间,但还有很多事情要做。“ Nuron打开了一个全新的电池技术世界,可以实施什么。这确实为我们做好了准备。”Ender补充说,无论是较长的运行时能量密度还是为苛刻的应用进行提高功率,Nuron的模块化设计都可以使HILTI实验而不会破坏兼容性。

Hilti的电动工具和配件业务部门负责人Tassilo Deinzer说,除了减少对多个充电器和适配器的需求外,公共电池平台还为用户提供了成本主张。他解释说:“您可以用更少的电池来运行整个工具组,然后节省很多钱。”例如,在混凝土中执行锚固装置的工人现在可以在相同的电池之间进行钻孔,真空清洁和环氧树脂注入,从而减少了所需的备用电池数量。

All of the new tools that produce dust are compatible with Hilti’s OSHA Table 1-compliant Dust Removal Systems, which also run on Nuron batteries. Active Vibration Reduction is available on all of the new Nuron tools, with Active Torque Control a feature on many as well.

Hilti plans to exhibit the new Nuron battery tool line at the World of Concrete trade show, held in Las Vegas Jan. 18 to 20.