
The new push also includes other changes to ease permitting, build renewables projects on public lands and modernize the nation's aging electrical grid.

联邦官员表示,这些行动将加速美国市场的努力,以实现乔·拜登(Joe Biden)总统在2030年之前部署30 GW清洁能源的目标,到2025年,公共土地上的25 GW新太阳能,风能和热量项目的发行许可新利18备用网址到2035年为零。

美国内政部表示,将于2月23日进行拍卖,以五项租约,占地480,000英亩,在纽约野外,纽约市南部和长岛以及新泽西州海岸沿岸,这可能至少导致至少导致5.6至7 GW的海上风能容量。

As part of the goal to create clean energy sector jobs and a bigger U.S. supply chain while also insuring better interaction with other ocean users and benefit to underserved communities, auction rules will require use of project labor agreements to build offshore wind projects, and workforce development..

The rules also will include incentives for use of U.S.-made major project components, including turbine blades and foundations.

"Apprenticeship training programs are ready to capitalize on these initiatives and provide new careers for a generation of workers who want and deserve to be part of the middle class,” said Matthew Aracich, president of the Building and Construction Trades Council of Nassau and Suffolk Counties on Long Island. “The impact of [the] actions coupled with developing the region’s offshore wind market will certainly change our environment and economy for the better.”

Developers signing leases also must identify communities and marine users that could be affected by offshore wind projects, and must show evidence they are engaging with them. The government has reduced by 72% the lease area that was originally outlined last year for auction following environmental review and stakeholder input.

点击herefor more auction details, including the list of qualified bidders. Interior's Bureau of Ocean Energy Management will require separate developers for the six lease areas to spur energy price competition, said director Amanda Lefton.

The bureau also announced actions to progress project development in other U.S. waters, including release of a draft environmental review of proposed leases in the 206-sq-mile Humboldt Wind Energy Area in northern California that, if developed, could generate up to 1.6 GW of energy, and start of s similar assessment for potential leases in Gulf of Mexico federal waters.

DOE Juices the Grid

The U.S. Dept. of Energy also released its plan to modernize transmission infrastructure across the country, using $20 billion in federal financing tools, many of which were created or expanded under the new Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, signed into law in November.

The effort includes the new $2.5-billion Transmission Facilitation program, a $3-billion expansion of the Smart Grid Investment Grant program, and more than $10 billion in grants for states, tribes and utilities to enhance grid resilience and prevent power outages.

能源部还打算使用现有的项目,including the $3-billion Western Area Power Administration Transmission Infrastructure program, and a number of loan guarantee programs through the Loan Program office to fund transmission line upgrades.


More than 70% of the nation’s grid transmission lines and power transformers are more than 25 years old.

DOE’s drive to modernize the grid will create jobs “and reliably move clean energy to where it’s needed most,” said Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm in a statement.


A senior administration official said during a Jan. 11 press call that the memorandum is focused on interagency cooperation, and does not make change the project environmental review process under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)..