承包商感到乐观态度大约2022,因为预期预期infrastructure projectsand expected increased private-sector investment for healthcare and warehouses, even as workforce and supply chain issues remain as likely challenges for the industry, say survey results released by the Associated General Contractors of America and construction technology company Sage on Jan. 12.

建设前景surveyof more than 1,000 AGC members showed that contractors are expecting dollar value of projects across most building segments will increase this year, with the most optimism around bridge and highway construction, plus other transportation projects. That was a big turnaround from the AGC surveya year earlier,当大多数受访者预测到几乎所有类别时。唯一受访者预计今年唯一一个零售和办公空间项目的市场段。新利18备用网址AGC的首席执行官Stephen Sandherr表示,承包商计划投资自己的增长。


超过一半的受访公司的商业群体比赛或超过了他们一年前的匹配。然后,只接受调查的承包商只有三分之一的商业人士在另外一年中达到级别。与2021年推迟的项目的受访者的人数也下降到一年同期。新利18备用网址Forty-six percent said they’d had projects postponed but rescheduled and 32% said they’d had projects not yet rescheduled, compared to 59% with projects postponed and rescheduled in 2020 and 54% with projects that had not been rescheduled as of that year’s survey. In 2021, 35% of surveyed contractors said they hadn’t had any projects postponed or canceled.




只有10%的受访者表示,他们没有遇到任何重要的供应链问题。要处理供应链问题,超过六十六个人表示,他们已经转向替代供应商并在获奖合同后加速购买。近一半也有指定的替代材料。然而,北卡罗来纳州CT Wilson建设总裁Charlie Wilson表示,有一些供应链问题可能是有所改善的。


绝大多数的受访者表示,他们预期increase their headcount this year, with nearly half expecting to increase their staffing by up to 10%, and more than a quarter expecting greater staffing increases. However, 86% of respondents said they’re having a hard time filling craft positions, and most said they expect it will continue to be hard – or even become more difficult – to hire this year.

While AGC encourages vaccination against COVID-19, Sandherr says the Biden administration’s coronavirus vaccine mandates for federal contractors and for companies with 100 or more employees will likely add to hiring challenges, especially for larger firms. More than 60% of construction workers are employed by companies with under 100 employees, he says.

“Given how many firms are currently looking to hire, this means that many vaccine-hesitant workers will be able to switch jobs instead of taking a shot they have already resisted for a year,” Sandherr says.

Sandherr adds that he hopes officials will help the industry by boosting workforce development, avoiding adding “imposing new and needless regulatory burdens” and appropriating funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.