
GCP estimates total construction output to have risen in real terms by 4.1% in 2021 to $13.2 trillion after dipping by 0.1% during the pandemic’s first year in 2020. While most markets are recovering from COVID-19, the forecasters report 27 of the sample countries still struggling to catch up, with volumes in 2022 expected to be lower than in 2019.

"The impact of COVID has been far from equal," notes GCP director Mike Betts. "In most countries it's been negative but in some it's been positive as working from home has encouraged people to invest more in their homes." Betts expects pandemic impacts to "be unwound" from next year, when the markets will return to normal trajectories.

GCP基地对经济的预测omic projections by the International Monetary Fund and ON U.S. Central Intelligence Agency data related to country public debt. It also uses population change data from the United Nations and per-capita cement consumption as indicators of each country's position in its construction cycle.


Over the same period, the world's second largest market, the U.S., is set to hold its current share of about 13%. With sluggish prospects, Japan is expected to move from third to fourth place while India's global share increase of 2.1% will move it into third place. The next largest markets all have global share under 3%, led by Germany.



About 75% of last year's world construction took place in nine developed countries and three emerging markets.
