The U.S. is adding more than 2,250 MW of new renewable energy capacity each month, both utility scale and small-scale, as states reduce barriers and industry adds new technologies, according to a just released analysis of government data—with solar power particularly showing growth and growing pains.


非营利性研究小组执行董事Ken Bossong说:“在未来三年中,可再生能源应从今天的大约四分之一的发电能力扩展到至少30%甚至更多。”

Solar energy added 9,604 MW in the first 10 months of 2021 and wind added 8,580 MW, with growth significantly higher than the first 10 months of 2020, FERC said in a Dec. 20 update. Hydropower, geothermal and biomass added an additional 71 MW during the same time period.



fercalso estimated the amount of wind and solar generation in the pipeline through 2024—deeming as “high probability" the addition of 52,692 MW of solar and 23,180 MW of wind.



Massachusetts in 2020 had high hopes of adding 3,200 MW of solar capacity to meet its climate goals by financially supporting small projects, but progress was mired in bureaucracy, say critics.

The state Dept. of Public Utilities on Dec. 30 cleared the way for faster project approval of solar capacity needed for Massachusetts to meet its goal to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, the agency said. It needs to add 7,000 MW of clean energy to meet the goal.


Advocates say delayed rooftop and small-scale solar projects can start claiming incentive awards by mid-January.

About 3.4 GW of solar, ranging from massive grid-scale projects to smaller distributed arrays, was generating power in Massachusetts as of third quarter 2021. Under the state's "most likely" capacity forecast for 2030, about 7 GW of new clean electricity will need to be built there, of which the expanded solar incentive program will deliver 3.2 GW.

加利福尼亚has had major success in adding solar generation under its net metering program that requires utilities to pay customers for excess power they generated and sent back into the grid.


Instead, it would offer payments to customers who add storage to their solar systems for excess capacity they generate in daytime for use at night. The new program would reduce demand for fossil fuel-generated power needed for homes and businesses during the peak evening time.

这项修订是由前专员玛莎·古兹曼(Martha Guzman Aceves)提出的,他于12月由乔·拜登(Joe Biden)总统提名,领导旧金山的美国环境保护局地区。

The proposal also creates a $600 million fund to support clean energy and energy storage programs for low-income residents.


An agency vote is expected at the end of January.


Early next year “perovskite cells” will be deployed at Sandia’s solar testing site, to demonstrate in a field setting their touted improved ability to convert solar energy to power over typical photovoltaic silicon cells. Until now, the new cells have been subject to laboratory tests only.

此外,据该公司称,由巨型沥青屋顶木瓦公司GAF制造的一个新的太阳能屋顶瓷砖称为Timberline Solar,将太阳能技术纳入了标准的屋面材料和程序中。

“Timberline Solar installs like a regular roof, with only a nail gun required,” GAF says, adding that installation requires traditional roofing crews and supplies. The product is available in certain U.S. locations for the home construction market.