
In an analysis of the just enacted infrastructure package, theGeorgetown Climate Center,华盛顿特区学校法律中心的一部分评估了法律总计1万亿美元的59.9亿美元的可能影响,估计该法律估计被分配用于表面运输。研究人员认为,要资助的项目的选择有可能加速预期的温室气体排放量或减少削减它们的努力。新利18备用网址

这analysis uses a baseline transportation emissions scenario that projects a decrease in GHG emissions over the next decade and settled on two scenarios designed to show the highest and lowest potential emissions impacts related to infrastructure package surface transportation projects. The baseline is projected to decrease from more than 1.35-billion metric tons of transportation-related carbon dioxide emissions in 2022 to about 1.13-billion metric tons by 2032.

这high-emission scenario projects 1.6% more emissions in 2032, while the low-emission scenario projects 1.3% less than the baseline.

“Where the actual outcome falls within that range will depend on the decisions made by state, federal and local governments about how to spend the money made available by IIJA,” the researchers wrote in a summary of their findings.

特别是高速公路支出可能摇摆不定的下文structure package’s impact one way or the other. The high-emission scenario assumes that 27% of the money would support highway expansion and 23% spent on existing highway maintenance. The low-emission scenario drops the amount spent on new highways to just 4% and allocates 38% toward maintenance. That scenario also reflects other low-carbon strategies, with greater portions of the money allocated tor infrastructure for pedestrians, cyclists and electric vehicles. The researchers wrote that they expect reality to fall somewhere between the two scenarios.

While it will take time for most projects funded by the infrastructure act to get underway, some transportation officials already are taking steps to make them more sustainable and resilient.

联邦公路管理局released guidance on Dec. 16 that encourages state and local agencies to prioritize maintenance and modernize existing transportation infrastructure—rather than build new roads.

Several state transportation departments also have moved to reduce highway project GHG emissions.

In Colorado, officials recently approved anew ruleto move money to more environmentally friendly projects by requiring GHG emissions estimates in planning, setting emission reduction levels and restricting funds from projects that don’t mitigate emissions.

“这在实践中可能意味着的所有这些是在改善科罗拉多州生活质量和空气质量的项目中的更多投资,例如增加人行道和受保护的自行车设施,改善当地和城市间新利18备用网址交通并支持紧凑和可步行的土地利用,”凯利·布林, transportation climate change specialist for the Colorado Energy Office, wrote in a blog post about the rule.


政府也可以帮助形状federal regulations, such as the Federal Highway Administration’s GHG emissions performance measure, they added.