Beyond being the future site of a revolutionary nuclear fusion startup, a decommissioned military base in Central Massachusetts has become one of the hot spots for construction in Massachusetts beyond Boston, with more than $1 billion in development activity. Construction on hundreds of millions of dollars in new life sciences and other projects is underway or nearing completion at the former Fort Devens Military Base.


德文斯堡(Fort Devens)于1996年关闭,现在主要由大众开发控制。自那以后,绝对依赖的国家权威重新开发了旧基地,该基地于1917年第一次世界大战期间建造成一个现代的商业和工业园区,还拥有小型住宅组成部分。

“It’s starting to sound like a broken record, but that doesn’t make it any less true,” said Jessica Strunkin, a MassDevelopment executive vice president overseeing operations at Devens. “It is really an unprecedented level of interest and growth in Devens right now.”



工作人员已经开始为麻省理工学院初创公司的5亿美元核融合研究,办公室和设施进行工作,该公司由私人投资者(包括Bill Gates和Jeff Bezos)提供支持。

英联邦正在与该项目的King Street Properties合作,这家总部位于波士顿的公司专门从事生命界领域,担任开发商。

该项目的承包商BW Kennedy今年早些时候在第一座建筑物,164,000平方英尺的办公室和制造工厂中破土动工。Vivo架构和土木工程师Highpoint工程也正在从事该项目,根据高调。

The building, slated for completion in the fall of 2022, will provide offices for researchers and space for construction of the powerful magnets at the center of the experimental fusion reactor.





同时,布里斯托尔(Bristol Myers Squibb)现在正在结束该地点的5亿美元扩建工作。


扩张使布里斯托尔·迈尔斯(Bristol Myers)在Devens的校园最多可达100万平方英尺,其2,000名员工使制药巨头成为前基地最大的雇主。

Gearing up for drug manufacturing will take a bit longer, with the new facility expected to start producing Breyanzi, the BMS’ first CAR T cell therapy by 2023. The therapy is designed to treat adults with “relapsed or refractory (R/R) large B-cell lymphoma (LBCL),” according to the company.

Despite the pandemic, the project’s construction team has managed to stick to a fairly tight timetable, said Craig Johnson, vice president, Global Engineering & Facilities at Bristol Myers Squibb, in a statement.

DPR Construction是负责该项目的主要承包商,其中包括Cives Steel Co.,Manafort Precision,Performance Contracting Inc.,Walsh Mechanical Contractors,Decco Inc.,Piquette&Howard Electrical Service Inc.和Harold Brothers机械承包商。


然而,第三个主要项目 - 一个新的生物制造校园 - 也在占地4400英亩的Devens形成,开发商也是King Street Properties。

King Street is underway with the first of a planned five-building campus totaling 700,000 sq ft. The developer is now meeting with various tenants.


小叶农场(Little Leaf Farms)是一个温室生菜种植者,最近将其在Devens的足迹翻了一番,达到10英亩。

上个月,英国的沃森 - 马洛(Watson-Marlow)在德文斯(Devens)的150,000平方英尺的设施上打破了地面,它将制造产品,包括“蠕动泵,管道,流体路径溶液和生物媒体组件”,其中一些用于生活中科学领域,according to trade publication Water Technology.
