


  • The construction industry lost one million workers during the initial COVID-19 pandemic shutdown and has yet to win back 1/5 of those workers.(Business Insider)
  • 百分之八十的承包商报告说,寻找熟练的工人的困难非常困难。(美国商会)
  • 由于缺乏熟练的工人,有49%的民事承包商正在向项目投标。新利18备用网址(民事季刊)




向数字互动的转变是在整个建筑行业中造成涟漪 - 臭名昭著的是犹豫不决:

  • 66%的民事承包商表示,新技术提高了生产率。(民事季刊)
  • 41%的民事承包商表示,新技术提高了他们管理项目预算的能力。(民事季刊)

As younger workers enter the industry, there is an openness to apply new thinking and fulfill project needs with digital processes that expedite learning and building. These approaches also typically require fewer people at a time when finding, hiring, and training the right people is an uphill battle.



When the time comes to select equipment, contractors turn to the companies they know can deliver safe, cost-effective tools. With the labor shortage changing how projects can be staffed, the ability to use equipment that is safe, easy to learn, and fast to assemble is even more important.

从计划阶段开始,使用PERI QuickSolve允许建筑专业人士以数字方式绘制混凝土墙面布局,并将混凝土倒入以匹配项目循环计划。该工具在墙壁布局以及零件列表和3D渲染过程中生成模板设计,提供了购买或租用Peri Peri Peri Wall和Slab模板解决方案的最佳配置建议。

QuickSolve enables technology and digital renderings to be part of the process from the start and ensure the optimal formwork configuration is selected for the project. It also requires fewer personnel to be involved in the planning and selection of components by delivering a list of necessary systems.

With new technologies and software at their disposal, contractors who choose to engage a supplier early in the planning phase can better coordinate their work, often leading to projects that can be completed sooner and with fewer on-site workers.

来自Peri USA的模板和脚手架解决方案旨在减少劳动力 - 从现场更少的机组人员到更快的时间表以进行组装 - 安全处于最前沿。访问点是在地面上内置的,组装在人体工程学上更容易,并且从一开始就进行了工程支持。

考虑一下DUO Lightweight Handset Formwork系统从仙女。Weighing only four pounds per square foot and featuring conveniently shaped panels, DUO is designed to be handled without a crane. Limited parts and an intuitive assembly sequence make DUO ideal for small crews, no matter the size of the project. DUO panels are connected using a red coupler resembling a door handle in both appearance and simplistic motion for installation.

对于工作人员The Loop at Mattapan Station在马萨诸塞州波士顿,跳伞- 来自Peri的轻巧且安全的镶板板模板系统 - 提高现场生产力,并帮助实现了紧迫的截止日期。简单而系统的组装序列需要最小的训练,进一步加速操作。


