Salesforce Tower Chicago是一座以其主要租户命名的58层塔楼,提供了120万平方英尺的办公空间,并完成了Wolf Point Plaza,这是芝加哥市中心最后剩下的河滨地点之一。


沃尔什集团(Walsh Group)转向了Periormwork Systems,Inc。的专业知识,以利用所有材料的及时交付和灵活性来提供灵活的,协调的模板解决方案,独立于塔架起重机。


Salesforce Tower芝加哥是一栋高层建筑,配备了钢结构和一个庞大的四细胞垂直混凝土芯,可支撑塔。PERI与项目团队合作制定了一个特定的顺序和时间表,以提供关键的模板组件作为即时使用的即时使用系统。

The contractor’s schedule and crane availability dictated the timeline for construction in addition to working backward from when certain elements needed to be complete. To aid in this schedule, PERI preassembled products into the largest shippable units to speed up on-site installation.

由于塔式起重机操作之一cores, PERI worked to achieve additional coordination between the concrete contractor and the steel contractor during construction of the high-rise structure. The ACS Core 400 typically only has one floor, but for Salesforce Tower Chicago, an additional lower one was added so the steel contractors could attach plates to the concrete for connection to the steel beams. To achieve this, the concrete crew was hoisted up to a certain level and then walked up a 150-foot stair tower to the core for work each day.

The design of Salesforce Tower Chicago features changing geometries with reduced wall thickness on floors 7, 22, and 40, changing the formwork settings on those levels. There is also a transition from a four-core cell to a two-core cell on level 40, decreasing the square footage of the upper levels.


Safety, Speed, and Support

使用的核心Peri vario由Peri Acs Core 400自攀爬模板系统携带的模板将混凝土倒在塔架周围。选择ACS Core 400的液压控制,可以将所有四个细胞一起攀爬并从倒入倒入芯上。

根据规划规范,VARIO具有可自由选择的扎带定位和联合布置的高度适应性,这些规范可提供墙壁和领带设计的自由。它可以通过Walers的细长孔以及带有冲洗,对齐和紧密的面板连接的连接来连续调节,这使其成为Salesforce Tower Chicago的最佳模板解决方案。

ACS Core 400是为美国高层市场设计的,其特征是高容量的单冲程缸,在20分钟内爬升到一个新的水平,较小的支架,锚和所需的零件。ACS核心400can support large concrete placing booms that allow for pouring slabs and walls simultaneously.

从地面到40级,机组人员在过渡到40及以上的两核单元之前使用了一个四核电池。ACS Core 400系统的外部面板提供了安全舒适的工作访问,同时还支持其他材料,供应和工具的承重能力,包括100,000磅的钢筋。这增加了支持和平台空间特别重要,因为材料每天只能交付一次。

In addition to the core cells,MULTIPROP垂直的支撑物用于框架大门盒子,用于走进电梯大厅并握住水平支撑。

The aluminum MULTIPROP weighs less and carries significantly higher loads than tubular steel slab props. MULTIPROP features a practical wedge connection and an integrated measuring tape on the inner tube to quickly show the complete length of the prop, delivering both time and cost savings.



芝加哥Salesforce Tower的建设预计将在2023年第一季度完成。
