
White Wolf Capital recently partnered with吉姆·汤普森to form DCCM, a special purpose entity that aims to acquire U.S. civil engineering and infrastructure services companies. Thompson is based in Houston and serves as chairman and CEO of DCCM. Thompson spent 13 years with AECOM in several capacities, including CEO of international government services and president and CEO of TCB AECOM. Prior to starting DCCM with White Wolf, Thompson was the president and CEO of NARICA, a global energy and infrastructure engineering and development company in Houston.

Tom Ruschkewicz

Tom Ruschkewiczhas joined McKim & Creed as senior vice president of geomatics. In this role, he will oversee the firm’s geomatics business in Texas and Florida as well as overall growth throughout McKim & Creed’s footprint. He will be based in McKim & Creed’s Austin office.

TDIndustries, Dallas, has promoted布莱恩·利拉德(Brian Lillard)到设施管理服务高级副总裁,负责德克萨斯州和亚利桑那州。他三年前加入了TD。他以前曾在设施管理公司担任首席运营官。TD最近也推广Jamie Dabbsto lead strategic initiatives as vice president for safety, health and environmental. Dabbs began his career with TDIndustries in July 2008 as a Dallas safety manager.

休斯顿的戴利·戴利公司(Leo A Daly Co.)已任命萨曼莎·圣担任副总裁兼首席人力资源官。她以前曾在Gensler担任区域总监和高级助理。

Ross Johnson

雅各布斯已任命Ross Johnson作为副总统和客户机执行的任务critical advanced facilities. Johnson was previously managing principal of a C3, a telco edge cloud consulting firm in Austin.

Matt McCaffreyhas been promoted to vice president and project executive at Skanska USA in San Antonio. McCaffrey joined Skanska in 2003 and most recently served as a project executive. In addition,基思·西茨曼(Keith Sitzman)已晋升为运营副总裁。自2002年加入Skanska以来,Sitzman主要参与医疗保健和教育项目的建设管理。新利18备用网址

Freese and Nichols vice president/principal艾伦·赫森(Alan Hutson)正在加入该公司的俄克拉荷马城办公室,担任中央平原部门经理,领导俄克拉荷马州及其周边地区的州和当地客户的持续多样化。赫特森(Hutson)在2022年1月正式过渡到他的新角色。

珀金斯和威尔已经晋升约翰·斯特拉西乌斯to corporate, commercial and civic practice leader of the Dallas studio.Koleman Urestihas been promoted to managing director and will lead the firm’s Austin studio. Uresti will maintain his current role as operations director.

Hugh Darville已经雇佣了詹斯勒地区的领头人之一吗the government and defense practice area, based in Dallas. He previously served as deputy commander at the U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center in Huntsville, Ala.Juan Fernandez还加入了Gensler的达拉斯办公室。费尔南德斯将担任客户战略总监。他之前曾在史密斯集团(Smithgroup)担任校长和工作场所工作室负责人,还负责监督人才发展和办公室运营。


Strike LLC, based in The Woodlands, Texas, has promoted杰米·布莱克主要设施副总裁。布莱克在担任建筑副总裁的最新职位上领导了能源业务部门。在担任此职位之前,他在西部地区的威尔布罗斯和森兰建筑中担任高级领导职务。


凯瑟琳·卡拉威has been named Kirksey Architecture’s new director of sustainability and building performance, based in Houston. Callaway served as a senior project manager for Kirksey’s community projects team for the last five years.

Moody Nolan has hired乔什·雷尔斯(Josh Rayles)作为达拉斯运营总监。他将在达拉斯 - 沃思国际机场工作,担任凯·贝利·哈奇森会议中心可行性研究的主要建筑师。新利18备用

Jacob Galleshas opened Edgeland Group as president and director of landscape architecture. Edgeland Group is a landscape architecture and planning practice based in Houston. Galles has more than 10 years of national and international experience in landscape architecture.

尼克·哈斯蒂(Nick Hasty)

Suncord Tone Southwest已将两个关键领导者增加到其在达拉斯的业务发展团队。尼克·哈斯蒂(Nick Hasty)will serve as vice president of business development. He previously served as director of business development at a local Dallas firm.Kelsey Daviswill serve as director of business development. Davis previously served as business development manager for another large firm.

Denward Freeman已加入Talley Riggins Construction Group担任业务发展副总裁,重点关注医疗保健和敬拜项目。新利18备用网址在加入塔利·里金斯(Talley Riggins)之前,弗里曼(Freeman)在Medco Construction工作了43年,并从1996年至2020年担任该公司的总裁。

Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr PC has expanded its construction practice group with the addition of five new associates over the past 12 months. Munsch Hardt now has 15 construction attorneys across all three offices, offering clients a unique and unmatched range of services.洛根·阿德科克(Logan Adcock)joins the firm in Dallas,Garrett Hicks在奥斯丁和朱莉·麦克林托克(Julie McClintock),,,,Connor RoseandTim Word在休斯敦。

珍妮特·肖 Kristen Stapper

Powers Brown Architecture, Houston, has promoted珍妮特·肖andKristen Stapperto associates. With the new positions, the architects also will become shareholders in the firm.

Aecom在其德克萨斯州的办公室雇用了三个人。Burton Johnson作为水资源领导的AECOM休斯顿办事处已被聘用,他将在休斯顿地区水资源业务的战略和交付。克里斯蒂娜·霍尔科姆(Kristina Holcomb)has joined AECOM’s U.S. West region transit and rail team as Texas growth and strategy lead/project manager in the Dallas office.Yanli Yaohas joined AECOM as senior project and area manager for its ports and marine division in Houston.

Dwight Storiehas joined CEC Facilities Group, Irving, Texas, as director of mechanical services. Storie previously led design-build general contracting pursuits, focused on new markets and line of business expansion.

Zachry Group在该地区聘请了四名新员工。在德克萨斯州帕萨迪纳(Pasadena),支持Zachry集团服务组织的增长和客户发展小组已雇用Fionn Damdaras a senior business development director,Rico Dickerson作为高级业务发展经理和Carey Porcheas a senior business development manager.Travis Arceneauxhas been hired as the new business development manager for JVIC Fabrication, a Zachry Group company, and will be based in the company’s Geismar, La., office.

Balfour Beatty has hired布雷特大厅as operations director of special projects in Austin. Hall brings more than 27 years of construction experience, including the last five in Central Texas.马克·迪韦has joined Balfour Beatty as operations director of large projects in Austin. Didway has more than 30 years of industry experience building in Austin in a variety of market sectors.

Tobin Ezekwesili

凯已经雇用了Tobin Ezekwesilias director of electrical engineering at its Dallas-Fort Worth office. Ezekwesili, with more than 15 years of engineering experience, previously served as a senior associate engineer at Syska Hennessy in Dallas.

迈克·达登(Mike Darden)该公司休斯顿办事处的校长已加入SSR。他是该公司不断增长的医疗设备计划服务线的运营总监。Matt Short最近被提升为总部位于SSR休斯顿办事处的主要/客户关系经理,负责监督休斯顿和德克萨斯州备受瞩目的医疗保健项目的多学科工程团队。新利18备用网址

E.E. Reed Construction, Houston, has hiredJason Morgan作为负责监督从建设到建筑完成的项目的项目主管。摩根拥有26年的经验,此前曾在Whitestone Builders担任副总裁。

SUNDT Construction的运输集团已雇用高级项目经理克里斯·莱因茨(Chris Leintz),,,,construction managerJuan Miranda, 项目工程师Tyler Stewart和现场工程师布兰登·梅雷卡(Brandon Merecka). They will all join the 183 North Mobility project in Austin.奥马尔·费尔南德斯(Omar Fernandez)已加入SUNDT,担任达拉斯办事处公司运输集团的项目调度程序。

Neel-Schaffer Inc. has hiredBrian Robbinsas a senior project manager based in the firm’s Vicksburg, Miss., office. Robbins has more than 20 years of experience as a consulting engineer and project manager.

张伯林屋顶和防水宣布了一系列促销活动。在俄克拉荷马州办公室Richard Sanchezwas promoted to field operations manager. In the Austin office,Ed Francowas promoted to senior safety coordinator,科迪·奥克曼向高级估计器和Dylan Penderto project manager. In the Dallas office,Julianne Bryantwas promoted to safety and risk coordinator. In Houston,妮可梳理was promoted to human resources specialist and乔纳森·哈珀(Jonathan Harper)to senior estimator.

Ashleigh Gilley

Ryan Gootee General Contractors LLC, Metairie, La., has hiredAshleigh Gilleyas preconstruction coordinator andKyle Robertas an assistant project manager.