Brasfield & Gorrie recently teamed up with Houston-based construction technology firm Rugged Robotics to pilot new robotic layout technology on a jobsite in Dallas. Together, the firms tested the new rover on a hotel construction site. Rugged Robotics completed a multitrade layout on one floor, covering about 25,000 sq ft.

Traditionally, the field layout process involves using tape measures, chalk lines and surveying equipment to manually mark the locations of walls and mechanical systems. Rugged Robotics automates this process, using small robotic vehicles to mark fully coordinated designs on concrete floors. The rover can print much more information than is typically seen on a manual layout. This technology also helps eliminate potential oversights and errors in the manual layout. Another advantage of this technology is that it takes care of easily automated, often repetitive tasks, allowing people to focus on higher-value tasks that require their expertise.


Suffolk was awarded the Terminal C renovation project at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport in November. The 850,000-sq-ft phased project will include upgrades to interior finishes at 18 domestic gates, reconfigurations and expansion to the ticketing and security checkpoints, upgrades to concessions and restroom areas, replacement and installation of energy efficient glazing and HVAC systems, rework of passenger boarding bridges and preconditioned air units, ramp marking and guidance systems, jet fuel lines and new baggage handling areas, among other improvements.

Suffolk was selected for the project in partnership with 3i Contracting. Preconstruction has already begun. Full construction and renovation work is slated to start in 2024, with project completion expected in 2026.

Palmisano LLC Rebrands Firm as Impetus


“For our new identity, we searched for a name that embodies our ethos—one that is representative of forward momentum in the construction industry,” company founder Wesley Palmisano said in a statement.


San Antonio Proton Therapy Center Design Complete

San Antonio Proton Therapy Center


9月下旬,Stantec完成的设计the San Antonio Proton Therapy Center, a new 26,000-sq-ft facility that will provide an advanced alternative to conventional radiation treatment for nearly 500 patients annually from South and West Texas as well as Mexico.

Proton International LLC will develop the cancer center, which is located adjacent to The University of Texas (UT) Health San Antonio’s Greehey Campus and the Mays Cancer Center, with UT Health as the clinical partner.


A GC has not yet been selected, but construction is expected to begin in spring 2022. The project team includes MEP engineer BR+A, structural engineer Goldstein-Milano and civil engineer MBC.

$4.5B Blue Hydrogen Clean Energy Complex

10月,Air Products宣布计划在路易斯安那州升天教区的Burnside附近开发45亿美元的清洁能源综合体。这将是迄今为止世界上最大的永久二氧化碳固执努力。

空气产品将建造一个蓝色的氢制造复合物,每天生产超过7.5亿个标准Cu ft的蓝色氢,并从制造过程中捕获并永久隔离制造过程中二氧化碳。这是路易斯安那州的第一个用于天然气制造商空气产品的碳捕捞项目。该项目将创造170个直接工作岗位和413个间接工作,并在三年内创造2,000多个建筑工作。

The project is expected to be operational in 2026.

Renewable Diesel Expansion Breaks Ground

可再生能源集团10月14日破土动工the improvement and expansion of its renewable diesel production facility in Geismar, La. The project will take total site production capacity to 340 million gallons per year from 90 million and bring more than 60 permanent jobs and up to 500 construction jobs to the area. The estimated project cost is $950 million, and it is expected to be mechanically complete by 2023, with full operability in 2024.



Image by Ruben Landa, Texas Business Leader — Senior Communications Manager, WSPA USA

巴尔福·比蒂(Balfour Beatty),得克萨斯州运输部(TXDOT)以及联邦,州和地方官员庆祝了10月25日在达拉斯举行的正式剪彩仪式的35E(I-35E)最低的Stemmons Project的完成。$83-million improvement project on I-35E between I-30 and Oak Lawn Avenue is the first completed project of TxDOT’s Texas Clear Lanes initiative in the Dallas District. The work aims to reduce traffic congestion and improve safety in Texas’ large metropolitan areas.

巴尔福·比蒂(Balfour Beatty)与Pegasus Link构造师合资,是最低的Stemmons项目的总承包商。合资企业与I-35E平行建造了新的收藏家道路车道,使旅行者更加轻松,更轻松,往返伍德尔·罗杰斯高速公路和达拉斯北收费公路。

Zachry Group Announces New Sustainability Business

圣安东尼奥的Zachry Group于11月宣布创建其新的可持续发展业务Zachry Sustainability Solutions,重点是在追求最关键的能源过渡项目时支持其客户。新利18备用网址

该业务将重点放在脱碳市场的四个主要领域:碳捕获,氢,可再生燃料和化学品以及核能。Zachry的可持续发展解决方案将由迈克·科塔拉(Mike Kotara)领导,他将担任总裁。

Process Equipment Training Facility Groundbreaking

In November, crews broke ground on the Process Equipment Training (PET) Plant on the River Parishes Community College (RPCC) campus in Gonzales, La. Expected to be completed by fall 2022, the plant will allow students hands-on experience in repair, maintenance, upgrades, turnarounds and other plant operational skills.

ISC donated engineering services to ensure the project became a reality for the betterment of the industry. The firm also produced a detailed engineering design and provided critical support for the region’s first full-scale educational glycol plant. The facility will give students training experience in an environment that accurately reflects a real industrial setting.


Dredging Begins On Cameron Meadows

路易斯安那州沿海保护和恢复局(CPRA)于12月宣布,在霍利海滩西北部的洛杉矶卡梅隆教区的卡梅隆·梅多斯(Cameron Meadows)沼泽创造和露台项目上开始了挖泥活动。该地区使用从墨西哥湾泵出的190万克YD沉积物,将增加308英亩的沼泽。


