Nuscale Power LLC是由Fluor Corp.拥有的高级核小型模块反应堆(SMR)技术的行业领先开发商,该技术由Fluor Corp.拥有。为了增加增长和项目资金。

与Spring Valley Aquisition Corp.的交易将于2022年第二季度开始,将创建一家价值19亿美元的公司,Fluor的股份定为60%,低于80%。它将在股票符号SMR下进行交易。自2011年3000万美元投资以来,该公司一直是Nuscale的利益相关者。

Under the transaction, the combined company would gain up to $413 million in gross cash proceeds, including from new investors, and be renamed NuScale Power Corp., according to Portland, Ore.-based NuScale, which licensed the technology from Oregon州立大学。

Market Push

荧光主席艾伦·博克曼(Alan Boeckmann)在接受采访时告诉ENR,这项交易将加速Nuscale的市场推动力。新利18备用他说,Fluor将继续提供工程服务,项目管理和供应链支持,并成为Nuscale的独家建筑商。

Boeckmann did not indicate if or when the contractor would further reduce its stake. "We intend to stay a significant investor," he said.

与Nuscale相关的投资者和项目合作伙伴包括Doosan重工业和建筑,三星C&T Corp.,JGC Holdings Corp.,IHI Corp,IHI Corp,Enercon Services Inc.,GS Energy,Sarens和工程公司Sarent&Lundy。他们投资了约1.93亿美元。

TerraPower LLC, the design startup backed by Microsoft founder Bill Gates, has chosen to build a demonstration of its 345-MWnatrium晚期核反应堆在Kemmerer,怀俄明州。,接近两个unit coal-fired plant that is set to close in 2025, the firm said Nov. 17, citing an estimated $4-billion project cost.

But NuScale's advanced SMR technology is the only modular design that has received U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission standard design approval for a 50-MW reactor module, which wasgiven last year after also passing a safety review.






NuScale’s power plant design, recently renamed VOYGR, can be used for four, six and 12-unit modules that can provide up to 924 MW per day of power, the firm says.

"NuScale’s reactors are designed to safely shut down in an emergency and self-cool, indefinitely, with no need for operator or computer action, power or the addition of water – a first for any commercial nuclear power plant" the company says, adding that intellectual property supporting its technology "is protected by more than 600 granted or pending patents."

Despite NRC design and safety approvals, the NuScale reactor will need an NRC combined construction and operating license (COLA) for every project. That process, which could take up to 2.5 years, is already under way for construction of a six-unit plant using 77-MW NuScale reactor modules for regional utility Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems.

The estimated 452-MW project anticipates construction start by 2024 at the DOE Idaho National Laboratory and is set to operate by 2029. It is part of a DOE program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by using nuclear power to support intermittent renewable energy.

The project has faced delays andwas scaled back last year从原始的12个单元中。有关科学家的联合also has raised concernsabout safety and cost issues of the NuScale design and other advanced nuclear reactors.

Expanded Possibilities

Boeckmann noted government support to NuScale's SMR development since the Obama administration, emphasizing that “renewables don’t have the reliability factor, and that nuclear power "is a great complement. You need baseload power for the grid.” The NuScale reactor design generates less waste and the Idaho project will have onsite waste storage for 60 years.

NuScale has about 19 agreements to develop or explore SMR power plants in 11 countries, with one in罗马尼亚set to operate by 2028, and others planned in Poland. That country is one that agreed, along with others at the COP26 climate conference in Scotland last month, to phase out construction of coal-fired power facilities.

Boeckmann noted a number of Japan-based investors in NuScale's technology, contending that it may help to "turn around" the country's ban on nuclear power construction in place since the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster in 2011.

Nuscale总裁兼首席执行官John Hopkins说:“现在是加速和扩展我们将开拓性SMR技术带给更多客户的合适时机。”合并的公司。

Th合并协议”带来新的资本,reducing cash burn and providing public price discovery of NuScale's intrinsic value where investors have generally attributed only modest value," said Andrew Wittmann, senior construction sector analyst at Robert W. Baird & Co. Equity Research. "At minimum, decreased cash usage is a positive." He said the deal "reduces Fluor's cash commitment and assigns a high intrinsic value to NuScale."