在12月1日至3日罗纳德O.·汉堡(Ronald O.汉堡)设计的关于周边堆升级的工程学的历史悠久的千年塔的西北角钻井中,没有可衡量的恒星钻井。茎干沉降645英尺高的住宅公寓。Assuming a complete base-mat survey confirms no subsequent settlement caused by the pile work, which was finished Dec. 5, crews will install a third pile, midway along the tower’s west side, the week of Dec. 13. “That should enable us to provide the city with the data they need to allow production work to resume,” says Hamburger, who halted the foundation upgrade on Aug. 20, after the discovery that the fix had actually accelerated settlement by 1 in., for a total of 18 in.