AECOM is developing a live hydraulic model for a smart canal in Glasgow that will proactively manage flood risk and water quality using rainfall forecast data. The system will provide surface water storage when required and deliver flood risk mitigation by using automated regulation of the canal level. A set of controls open and close the discharge and feeder sluices to lower canal levels based on anticipated storm runoff. The stormwater then raises the canal back to a normal operating level. AECOM is providing a range of technical and advisory services for the approximately $5-million project, called the North Glasgow Integrated Water Management System. AECOM’s services include engineering design, hydraulic modeling and project management. MacKenzie Construction is the contractor, and Fairfields Control Systems is installing the telemetry and IT hardware. In August, the project team completed the civil, monitoring and IT infrastructure portion of the project, but work on the modeling continues. AECOM says that repurposing an 18th-century canal for modern use is more cost-effective than traditional approaches.




Coxwell Bypass隧道是计划减少下水道溢出计划的三个隧道中的第一个,已达到65%的完成,而隧道钻孔机于5月达到了中途。Black&Veatch正在10.5公里,6.3毫米DIA隧道上提供工程设计和施工管理。这是减少多伦多下水道溢出的三个计划隧道中的第一台。3.97亿美元项目的其他公司包括加拿大Jay Dee,Michels Canada和C&M McNally Tunnel构造商的合资团队。旁路隧道项目预计将于2024年某个时候完成。


Mott MacDonald is providing program management, design, supervision and construction of a water pumping station and transmission pipelines as well as improvements to the distribution system for a new water treatment plant that will deliver drinking water to more than 4.5 million people in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The project will convey water from the Meghna River using a high-performance pumping system, which will feed twin pipelines more than 2 meters wide and more than 30 km long. Large pipes will be installed underneath densely populated urban areas. Other members of the joint venture team include Sweco and Artelia. The Dhaka Water and Sewerage Authority announced the project award in October.

Guildford Sewage Treatment Works Relocation

7月,泰晤士河水(Thames Water)授予合资团队1.45亿美元的合同,将其现有的废水处理厂之一搬迁到另一个前垃圾填埋场。该工厂正在移动,为沿Wey河沿岸计划的新开发项目腾出空间。Arcadis是Bam Nuttal-Doosan合资团队的一部分,将提供与该项目的岩土,结构和民用方面有关的设计服务。垃圾填埋场既包含工业和家庭垃圾,又有自然保护区和洪泛区附近。Arcadis设计将纳入使用桩和地面改进方法,以减少整个现场的差异解决方案。