Eiffage Construction在巴黎西北部的法国陈词滥调的新生态城市校园中破土动工。该商业项目被称为黑色,将提供约530,000平方英尺的办公空间,可容纳多达4,100人。这个26个月的项目预计将在2023年末提供,估计为300,000个工作时间。它将需要使用五个起重机。六层楼高的项目以及地下室一级包括两个独立的结构,包括340,000平方英尺的“花园”建筑和190,000平方英尺的“庭院”建筑。该设施将设有礼堂,礼宾服务和三个商业物业。该项目是由伊曼纽尔·欧博尔·多米尼克·马雷克(Emmanuel Combarel Dominique Marrec Architectes)设计的,正在重新设计近一年,以适应对偏远工作的增加。一楼的办公室将100%重新配置为会议室。大型协作空间将在高层开发。该项目将采用工业前墙,金属子结构和带有稳定木材覆层的立面。 Built on a former industrial site, the project aims to become one of France’s largest low-carbon buildings. The project is targeting multiple certifications, including HQE New – Outstanding Level, BREEAM Excellent, BBCA, E+/C- Level E1/C1, Biosourced Building Label, BiodiverCity, Osmoz, R2S and Wiredscore. As part of its goal to enhance the city’s urban redevelopment, two gardens—spanning more than 100,000 sq ft combined—aim to create “urban cool islands,” according to Eiffage.

New City Administration Building in Lille

city administration

Photo courtesy Coldefy / Valode & Pistre

A consortium led by Bouygues Bâtiment Nord-Est started construction on a new Cité Administrative building in Lille, France. The 415,000-sq-ft complex is comprised of five buildings, consolidating 18 government services and agencies that are currently spread across multiple buildings in Lille. The complex, designed by architectural firms Valode & Pistre and Coldefy, is scheduled for delivery in late 2023. The project will seek multiple certifications, including PassivHaus, Osmoz and Effinature. It is designed to achieve E3C1 and the first level of Bâtiment Biosourcé thanks to the use of more than 700 tons of timber. Contract value of the project is $120 million, of which Bouygues Construction’s share is $112 million.

Bristol Student Housing

英国Vinci Construction已开始为布里斯托尔的英格兰西部大学建造1.1亿美元的学生住宿项目3。该项目旨在成为英国最大的Pastivhaus认证开发项目之一。280,000平方英尺的设施将在制片厂和四个,六或八张床的集群中容纳900张床位。该项目计划在2023/2024学年及时完成。

Parkline Place开发

CPB Contractors是CIMIC集团公司,在Parkline Place开始建设,Parkline Place是一家39层的商业开发项目,高于未来悉尼地铁的Pitt Street Station。这项耗资2.74亿美元的项目是由财团合作伙伴牛津,MEA和Investa授予的。建设计划于2024年完成。该项目是新皮特街车站(Pitt Street Station)网站上CBP承包商的最新项目,该项目还在建造3.28亿美元的车站,并已合同建造了1.6亿美元的建筑物建筑物above the station’s southern entrance.


PORR最近完成了foundations for the ABC Tower at Alexanderplatz in Berlin, which upon completion will be the second-tallest building in Berlin. The 500-ft-tall residential tower, designed by O&O Baukunst, features 39 floors and will total 450,000 sq ft. The $270-million project is the largest single building contract in the firm’s history. Construction is expected to take 41 months.


Skanska announced it will develop and construct Tora, a multifamily rental project in Stockholm, Sweden. The company will invest approximately $50 million, including $34 million for construction. The project will include four buildings with a total of 145 rental apartments and will feature multiple sustainable elements, including Skanska’s green concrete, which the company claims has half the climate impact compared with regular concrete. Preparatory work is underway. Completion is expected by the end of 2024.