The New Administration Capital



OWNER:Administrative Capital for Urban Development


首席承包商:The Arab Contractors (Osman Ahmed Osman & Co.)

CIVIL ENGINEER:DAR AL-Handasah Consultant


MEP ENGINEER:Shaker Consultancy Group

Its monumental architecture gives the parliament complex a historical look, although the design and construction techniques, especially for the classically inspired dome, are unmistakably modern.

The centerpiece of the main hall, the dome is composed of two concentric domes, vertically aligned but at different elevations. The lower dome, on the interior, is framed in structural steel and the upper outer dome, which is larger in circumference, is constructed of composite steel and concrete.

对于这两种结构,根据阿拉伯承包商技术支持部门主任艾哈迈德·阿卜杜勒·阿卜杜马耶德(Abdulmajeed El Adalany)表示,每台重约三吨的钢材都使用三塔式起重机和一座中央伪造塔,阿拉伯承包商技术支持部主任艾哈迈德·阿卜杜勒·阿卜杜马耶德·阿达拉尼(Ahmad Abdulmajeed El Adalany)Osman&Co。

The steel members were prefabricated and shipped to the site, where they were placed in locations predetermined by the survey crew and then lifted into position. There were no errors or injuries, says the team.

The lower dome has a height of 35 m and a diameter of 54 m. Its steel structure weighs 320 tons and is covered by perforated gypsum board. The dome itself contains the mechanical and electrical systems. The upper dome, at a height of 65 m and a diameter of 57 m, is composed of a 280-ton steel structure covered by glass-fiber reinforced concrete. Topping the dome is a 14-m tower clad in copper.

Egyptian capital

Photo by Public Relations Dept., photography team at Arab Contractors Co.


The complex contains a mosque and a small hospital, in addition to the parliament. The building facade presents the timeline of Egyptian civilization through the use of diverse ornamentation.
