
A recent project briefing for the Maryland Transportation Authority’s (MDTA) board of directors noted that the U.S. Dept. of Transportation had yet to approve a $200- million TIFIA loan for the Nice/Middleton Bridge project, a new 1.9-mile four-lane tolled structure that will replace a 70-year-old, two-lane bridge connecting southern Maryland with King George County, Va. In recent years, the crossing has seen a sharp uptick in traffic as an alternative to the crowded Interstate 95 corridor through northern Virginia and metropolitan Washington, D.C.



与此同时,Skanska、Corman Kokosing建筑公司和McLean Contracting Co.的合资企业自2020年7月中旬以来一直在建设这座新桥。随着更宽的车道、更大的容量和自动收费技术,新结构将有135英尺的主跨垂直净空,允许高船舶通过,当它在2023年开放。由于马里兰州查尔斯县拒绝了MDTA接管原桥作为行人/自行车道的提议,该结构将被拆除,其材料将用于建造一个人工鱼礁。