KKH Phase II (Havelian — Thakot




LEAD DESIGN FIRM:CCCC First Highway Consultants Co. Ltd.

EPC CONTRACTOR:China Communications Construction Co. Ltd. (Pakistan)

在危险地带and a dense population, a team built a 118-km road that will ease congestion and create economic opportunity for Pakistan. The team collaborated with academic institutions, national laboratories, international equipment and materials suppliers, security advisers, medical teams and consultants from many countries.


The challenging geology included highly weathered rock and steep slopes as high as 65 m. Vegetation, arch frames, anchor rods and anti-slide piles were installed, as well as prestressed anchor cable ribbed walls.

根据当地媒体报道,巴基斯坦国家工程服务局(NESPAK)董事总经理塔希尔·马苏德(Tahir Masood)表示,这条路分为两部分 - 40公里的Havelian-Mansehra Expressway和80公里的Mansehra-Thakot Class-II高速公路。Nespak的最大挑战是恢复与围栏一致性所切割的村庄和社区的交叉连通性。

He called the project “a symbol of Pakistan-China’s long-lasting, brotherly and strong relationship.”