Bahr Al Baqar水处理厂



OWNER:Engineering Authority of Egyptian Armed Forces

首席设计公司,民用,结构,MEP工程师:Khatib & Alami



埃及的曼萨拉湖(Lake Manzala)位于尼罗河三角洲东北边缘和西奈半岛的尖端,历史悠久。几个世纪以来,它一直为当地渔民提供稳定的鱼类和生计供应。然而,在过去的几十年中,港口及其周边地区污染了湖泊,并摧毁了鱼类和野生动植物的种群,从开罗造成了工业废物,污水,农业径流和农药。


The efforts have included building desalination plants and other treatment plants, including the recently completed Al Mahsama Water Reclamation plant (an ENR Global Best Project in 2020).

不到两年的新先进的废水开垦设施(Bahr al Baqar处理厂)将进一步埃及政府的目标。

Located just east of the Suez Canal and expected to go fully online in December 2021, the new plant has the capacity to treat more than 2 billion cu m of wastewater annually, enough to irrigate 1,400 sq km of agricultural land in the Sinai Peninsula. It will also return treated clean water to Lake Manzala.


Map by Scott Hilling, ENR

今年,吉尼斯世界纪录之书将650,000平方英尺的Bahr al Baqar设施视为世界上最大的废水工厂,基于将经过它的大量水。该工厂每秒处理64.8立方英尺的水,足以在不到9分钟的时间内为一个居民提供平均使用。吉尼斯说,这也是世界上最大的污泥处理设施。

The $739-million fast-track project was completed on time and on budget and meets goals established in Egypt’s 2030 National Agenda as well as the United Nation’s Sustainable Development goals, which include ensuring access to clean water and sanitation for all people. “This is the kind of project that touches the [daily] lives of people” and provides a real, tangible benefit, says the project’s lead consultant Hazem Saleh, water treatment principal at Khatib & Alami in Dubai.

Bahr Al Baqar水处理厂
Bahr Al Baqar水处理厂

The project employed more than 6,000 workers and challenged the ingenuity of the project team to come up with solutions. Left, a few workers sort through materials on site. Right, a frame rises for the solar sludge-drying unit, the first in Egypt and the largest in the world.

The Problem and a Solution

根据港口大学的一份报告,该地区的废物和废水通过106公里的Al Baqar排水管进入湖泊,根据港口大学的一份报告,该公司的污染物是该国最受污染的排水系统之一的可疑区别。


Bahr Al Baqar水处理厂

埃及正在以轻快的速度改变西奈半岛的景观。黄昏时图所示的Bahr Al Baqar水处理厂是该国半岛发展计划的一部分计划之一。

Bahr al Baqar处理厂的主要目标是重新利用从排水管中的水,可用于沿苏伊士运河沿岸的灌溉。结果,将减少饮用水所需的水量。

“我们必须接受我们的水资源有限,因此我们必须专注于对这种资源的最佳使用……。我们正在努力节省过去曾在海中浪费的20亿立方米,”埃及总统阿卜杜勒·法塔(Abdel Fattah El-Sisi)在9月27日的就职典礼上说。


植物有四个water treatment lines with a daily processing capacity of 1.25 million cu m each, with 5.6 million cu m/day used for agricultural irrigation. It is equipped with advanced processes for pumping raw water, coagulation, flocculation, decantation, filtration and supplemental ozone disinfection.


“The project duration was very tight, but the [strong] coordination within our team and with our partner Orascom has led to the completion of the project” on time, Sayed Farouk, chairman & CEO of The Arab Contractors Co., part of the joint venture construction team, says.

Construction began in September 2019 and was completed in May 2021. During that time, more than 6,000 workers, working in three different shifts per day, logged more than three million worker-hours. Experts from nine countries communicated virtually and used BIM modeling to keep the project on track. Because the work involved crossing the Suez Canal, which remained operational, delivery of materials and supplies had to be carefully coordinated, says Benjamin Thompson, a spokesman for Khatib & Alami.

Bahr Al Baqar水处理厂


Bahr Al Baqar水处理厂




建筑合资企业董事会成员Tarek Amin表示,该项目团队致力于开发适合客户需求的解决方案。他说:“这不是一个千篇一律的东西。”“我们自定义解决方案以适合每种情况。”



此外,该团队安装了16,000平方米的太阳能干燥单元,以另外50%的污泥从工厂的离心机中干燥。合资项目总监Ehab Gerges说:“我们使用的功率很少,因为我们正在使用阳光。”反过来,这减少了污泥干燥区域的需求和植物的环境足迹。



The plant also serves another purpose. The Egyptian government is concerned that Cairo and remote areas in Sinai could be vulnerable to attack from neighboring countries because of the lack of development on the Sinai peninsula. The new project fits into the government’s overall plan to develop the peninsula and make it livable.

项目首席顾问Hazem Saleh指出,该处理厂可以作为未来的模型,类似的项目,并且有关技术创新的信息的交换只能帮助进一步进一步行业。新利18备用网址该项目团队目前正在研究另一个距离Bahr Al Baqar治疗机构不远的大型水项目。

The new plant, an agricultural wastewater treatment plant, will be even larger than Bahr Al Baqar. Saleh says the team will continue to use lessons learned from Bahr Al Baqar on future projects. “We live on one planet…. We do not want to complicate life for people; we want solutions that are easy, sustainable, replicable and can be done,” he says.