一名联邦法官在全国范围内停止了乔·拜登(Joe Biden)的九月行政命令,要求联邦承包商接种劳动力。
12月7日决定,由佐治亚州奥古斯塔联邦地方法院的斯坦·贝克法官(Stan Baker)法官提出了质疑拜登(Biden)的合法性,拜登(Biden)用来签署该任务。

联邦承包商授权已经停留了on Dec. 3 by a federal district court judge in Lexington, Ky., but only in the states of Tennessee, Ohio and Kentucky, which had sued.


ABC and its chapter filed a motion on Nov. 18 to intervene in support of a lawsuit against the order filed by Georgia and six other states—Alabama, Indiana, Kansas, South Carolina, Utah and West Virginia.

"The Court has already described in detail the extreme economic burden the Plaintiffs have suffered and will continue to suffer in endeavoring to comply with (the order),"贝克写道。"Not to mention the impediment it will likely pose to some Plaintiffs' (in particular, ABC's members') ability to continue to perform federal contract work. Additionally, the direct impact of [the Biden executive order] goes beyond the administration and management of procurement and contracting; in its practical application ... it operates as a regulation of public health."

The order also cites evidence and testimony from ABC that showed that its members were prevented from bidding for federal contracts because they would not have enough vaccinated workers to perform the work.

美国广播公司(ABC)副总裁本·布鲁贝克(Ben Brubeck)称这项裁决是“消除建筑行业的合规障碍的重大胜利”。他指出,该小组“继续支持疫苗接种……以确保工人在建筑工地上的安全。”


美联社还呆在全国范围内由美国法院peals in New Orleans was an emergency temporary standard issued by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration in November that applied to employers with 100 or more employees.


The Arlington, Va.-based Associated General Contractors of America had previously urged the administration togive contractors a longer grace period要遵守这两种疫苗任务。该协会在12月8日表示,最终将针对授权提起自己的诉讼。

"As these events unfold, AGC of America continues to prepare to file its own lawsuit against the mandate and has worked with several members on declarations that will reveal how the mandate is actually impacting AGC members," itsaid in a statement。The group "intends to directly challenge the proposition that the mandate — whether a public health or procurement policy — will have that effect."

Most legal experts believe the issue will ultimately be decided by the Supreme Court.

A White House spokeswoman said the U.S. Justice Dept. would continue to defend the mandate.