Samsung Electronics plans to build a $17-billion semiconductor manufacturing facility in Taylor, Texas, about 35 miles northeast of Austin, the South Korean tech company announced Nov. 24.

三星说,该项目预计将在2022年上半年破土动工,将其设施在2024年下半年运行。德克萨斯州州长格雷格·雅培(Greg Abbott)的办公室说,该项目将至少支持6,500个建筑工作。

No designer nor contractor for the facility has been been publicly announced. According to the economic development agreement with Williamson County, the project investment will include $6 billion in buildings and other property improvements and $11 billion in machinery and equipment.

The investment is Samsung’s largest ever in the U.S., and the largest foreign direct investment in Texas on record. The firm says the major plant, known as a fab, will serve as a key facility in its global semiconductor manufacturing along with its latest production line that opened in Pyeongtaek, South Korea, earlier this year.

的一部分agreement, the general contractor will be required to hire as many Taylor residents as possible, with that firm and subcontractors having to hold local recruiting fairs.

Samsung chose the 5 million-sq-m site in Taylor for the facility because its proximity to an existing Samsung plant in Austin will allow the two sites to share resources, and also because of factors such as local infrastructure stability, community development opportunities and government support. Texas officials say they offered Samsung a $27 million project grant to create jobsj, which is expected to include 2,000 tech jobs..

The company says the “local semiconductor ecosystem” also factored into its decision to select the Taylor site for the plant. Several tech companies and other manufacturers have moved or expanded facilities in the Austin area within the past few years, including high-profile businesses such asTesla.

The announcement comes amd a global semiconductor chip shortage that has constrained manufacturing in other fields that rely on the components, including autos and electronics.

三星设备解决方案部首席执行官兼副主席Kinam Kim在一份声明中说:“凭借更高的制造能力,我们将能够更好地满足客户的需求,并为全球半导体供应链的稳定做出贡献。”

TheSemiconductor Industry Association表示,美国政府对芯片研究的投资保持平稳,而其他国家的投资增加了。同样,美国在全球半导体制造能的份额也从1990年的37%下降到2021年的12%。

Samsung isn’t the only manufacturer moving to increase its U.S. semiconductor production. As ENR previously reported, a $20 billionIntel projectto build two fabs is currently underway in Arizona.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said in a statement that demand for semiconductors is expected to continue increasing.

“Increasing domestic production of semiconductor chips is critical for our national and economic security, and we look forward to continued partnership with Samsung and other semiconductor manufacturing companies looking to build out their capabilities in the U.S.,” Raimondo said.