Microsoft创始人比尔盖茨支持的设计创业公司已选择在Wyo的Kemmerer中的345 MW Natrium先进核反应堆中展示其345 MW Natrium先进的核反应堆。,靠近Naughton双单元,燃煤厂,设置为关闭2025年,该公司11月17日表示,估计了40亿美元的项目成本。

该公司及其合作伙伴以前在今年早些时候所说的州内所说的四个停止煤炭厂站点将缩小项目位置为1亿美元的示范项目。考虑了Gillette,Glenrock和新利18备用Rock Springs的遗址。

Terrapower Ceo Chris Levesque表示,第一家植物总是更昂贵,而不提供二次成本背后的进一步细节。他表示,该公司希望将未来纳税场的价格降低了未来的纳米植物遗址,以及美国的其他地方,达到10亿美元。

The U.S. Energy Dept., which has called the Natrium sodium-cooled reactors "the future of advanced nuclear reactor technology,” has a seven-year agreement to provide $2 billion in project development funding. The recently signed infrastructure bill contains a $2.5-billion funding allocation for all advanced reactor demonstrations, some of which will be added to previous support.

TerraPower will match all federal funding for the demonstration. Bechtel is managing project design, licensing, procurement and construction. It built the Naughton coal-fired plant, which opened in 1963. The nuclear plant is expected to create about 2,000 construction jobs, TerraPower said.

Wyoming produced about 39% of all coal mined in the U.S. in 2019, with coal-fired power plants making up about 80% of its electricity generation in 2020. However, wind power made up 12% of state power generation last year, with natural gas-fired power plants and hydroelectric facilities producing the rest.

Bechtel also leads a team that includes GE-Hitachi and TerraPower去年由Battelle Energy Alliance挑选,该公司运营DOE的爱达荷国家实验室,在爱达荷瀑布研究现场设计和建立,该研究站点的第一阶段将开发先进的核燃料,材料,仪器和传感器。



Natrium technology includes a 345-MW sodium-cooled fast reactor with a molten salt-based energy storage system, the first advanced reactor to do so, Levesque said. Energy storage can boost plant output to 500 MW for about five-and-a-half hours, which allows it to follow daily load changes and helps with easier integration of renewable resources.

Natrium is a joint technology of GE Hitachi and TerraPower, which Gates founded and serves as chairman.

With the site chosen, advanced plant design will move ahead. A construction permit has been submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, with work not expected to start until 2024.

在2028年完成的示范项目将是一个全运作的商业动力装置,可以通过岩石山力运营,该电力公司将使用现有的能源基础设施,包括与电网的连接,该公司总裁兼首席执行官Gary Hoogeveen表示,新闻发布会。

它是DOE支持的两个非水冷,小核 - 反应器演示之一。20多家公司正在开发先进的反应堆,包括西屋,Holtec International,Nuscale电源和X-Energy。


单独,电力公司南方有限公司announced Nov. 18朱元璋与能源部签署了一项协议e what it said is the world's first fast-spectrum salt reactor, in collaboration with TerraPower and Idaho National Laboratory. The facility would be built at that research site.

Project team member also include CORE POWER, Orano Federal Services, the Electric Power Research Institute and 3M Co. DOE will provide a grant to cover 80% of the $170-million project, with the rest funded by Southern and the other partners.
