丹佛水(Denver Water)在11月2日与博尔德县(Boulder County)的和解后,丹佛水(Denver Water)正在进行一个4.64亿美元的项目,以扩大总水库。大坝项目位于科罗拉多州博尔德市的西南部,是该公用事业公司在丹佛地铁为150万客户提供水的能力的关键组成部分。

The expansion will raise the dam's height by 131 ft, which boosts the reservoir capacity by 77,000 acre-ft, nearly tripling its size. When the project is complete, the new capacity of roughly 119,000-acre-ft will improve the balance between Denver Water’s north and south sections. The agency has been developing a plan to increase capacity for more than 16 years. The original designers anticipated need for an expansion when the reservoir was built in 1954.


“立即区域around Gross Reservoir has about 250 homes, and there are other areas that will be impacted by truck traffic. Construction is going to involve a significant amount of tree removal, blasting, hauling, dust and noise,” says Michelle Krezek, chief of staff for the county commissioners office. “Despite the settlement, we remain concerned about the impacts to residents and the environment.”

The $12.5-million-plus settlement includes $5 million in funding to mitigate disruptions to area residents and provide benefits to both the environment and neighbors and $5.1 million for open space funding to replace land that will be inundated by water, and the transfer of 70 acres of land near Walker Ranch Open Space to Boulder County.

“A substantial portion of Denver Water’s planning for this project revolved around avoiding disruptions to the community and natural resources,” says agency engineering manager Doug Raitt. Construction activities will rely on electric power rather than diesel generations. Hours for truck traffic and road work will be limited, and $1 million is earmarked to restore a critical species habitat on the South St. Vrain Creek at the Hall Ranch Lyons Quarry.

“Denver Water is working closely with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to secure final approval of the construction documents and targets early April 2022 to start construction,” Raitt adds.

Stantec和Aecom领导设计团队。丹佛水(Denver Water)正在与基维特·巴纳德(Kiewit Barnard)合资企业合同团队确定合同。该项目涉及在大坝上增加900,000立方英尺的辊式混凝土,这将需要在施工过程中绘制水库,同时保持中等水平的能力以保持其运行。


When construction is complete in July 2027, the dam will be the tallest in Colorado and the tallest roller-compacted concrete dam in the U.S.