

Rob Fleming, B.C. transportation minister,在11月26日的简报上说在卑诗省维多利亚州。that crews were working “non-stop” to repair an estimated 200 highway sites in the province’s Interior and south coastal regions that were damaged or destroyed, issuing requests for proposals for engineering and construction services to rebuild two heavily damaged arteries into Vancouver—Highway 8 and Highway 1—that are part of the Trans-Canada highway system.


Noting the unusual rain event following record heat in the Pacific NW, B.C. Premier John Horgan alluded to "the effects of human-caused climate change."

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, in a Nov. 26 visit to the stricken area, said a new cabinet level committee will assist in recovery planning and national disaster response strategy related to climate change, including more resilient infrastructure "that’s going to be able to handle hundred year storms every few years, because that seems to be the pattern we’re on."


在洪水高峰期,在该省的某些地区,有8英寸以上的雨水在一天之内掉下来,一方面切断了所有高速公路和铁路通道,并关闭了蓬勃发展的港口。一些高速公路部分重新开放,但with major washoutsand concerns about more damage to vulnerable infrastructure.

Four people are confirmed dead, with one unaccounted for, according to the Canadian Press.

Ministy of Transport


“Our transportation infrastructure is crippled,” B.C. Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth said, according to a Canada Press report. “Getting our roadways and railways back up and in operation is our No. 1 priority. We fully recognize how important it is to reopen road connections from the Lower Mainland to the Interior to get those supply chains moving.”

Vancouver's port terminals stayed open, but are dealing with "significantly disrupted rail and truck movement,” the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority said in a statement,

Repair crews and damage assessment teams face a tough job complicated by the Canadian winter looming, as well as the amount of transportation, energy and water infrastructure in need of triage and restoration.


省官员说,不列颠哥伦比亚省的Coquihalla Highway是与温哥华相关的主要动脉,其区域受到重大损害,甚至临时维修将花费几个月的时间。照片:卑诗省运输和基础设施部:

“It’s unprecedented, the size and scope and the number of sites,” Joe Wrobel, president of JPW Road and Bridge, a highway contractor based in North Okanagan, B.C., former head of the Canadian Construction Association told the Canadian Press, adding that debris removal will be the easiest task. He said he has never seen so many severely damaged roads in need of repair all at once.

不列颠哥伦比亚省 - 旺至大学和城市居民的生物学教授邓肯·莱奇(Duncan Leitch)说,随着省级运输破坏的巨大,他遭受了日益严重的压力迹象。状态。

他说:“ [公路]被完全冲走了。”“这是多年的工作。很难知道他们将在哪里开始。”

Replacing wrecked bridges will take the longest, with decisions to be made on whether to relocate them or use a new design,” says Brenda McCabe, professor emerita in civil and mineral engineering at the University of Toronto and president of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering.


One key artery and the province's only four-lane link, the Coquihalla Highway, has numerous areas of heavy damage, with a Ministry of Transportation spokeswoman saying on Nov. 18 that while initial damage assessments are complete, she could not estimate when the highway would be fully restored, acknowledging that “temporary repairs are going to take months.”






加拿大气候选择研究所的高级研究助理迪伦·克拉克(Dylan Clark)表示,卑诗省洪水造成的巨大破坏。不仅仅是气候变化的影响。

He contends it is also results from failure of various levels of government so far to adequately prepare for the challenges ahead. Vancouver issued permits for more than $1 billion in new development from 2017 to 2021 on sites facing serious flood risks, according to a recent study by the institute.



自11月14日的跨山管道(Trans Mountain Pipeline)自11月14日以来,洪水也被迫关闭,每天都会从艾伯塔省(Alberta)汇集300,000桶原油,从而在太平洋海岸的出口码头。


Trans Mountain说,恢复工作人员正在进行“对坡度稳定性和现场分析的岩土技术评估,以确定是否需要修理或重新建造由于洪水导致管道暴露的保护性保护盖。”


Trans Mountain说,在不受洪水影响的地区的扩张项目继续进行工作。

