杨百翰医院, Emergency Department Expansion, Phase 1






结构工程师/建筑师:McNamara Salvia



分包商:Allegheny合同地板公司;卡钳木工(磨坊);Capco钢勃起;联邦水暖公司(管道/MED气体);J.C. Higgins Corp.(管道,管道,绝缘和控制);Sullivan&McLaughlin Cos。(电气,火警和护士呼叫系统);Sweeney Drywall(干墙,粗木工,门和硬件);现代玻璃(内部玻璃,外玻璃,金属墙板和铝门)


After Boston’s nonessential construction shutdown, the team and the hospital gained permission to continue work on the project, which involved building a 25,000-sq-ft addition followed by renovation of the existing emergency department. Adding to the challenges, the department expansion was atop the hospital’s radiology department, with CT scan and MRI machines doing tests on a 24/7 schedule.

Skanska在波士顿建筑业务负责人Bryan Northrop说:“当大流行时,我们处于该项目的中点。”“像其他所有人一样,最初的停顿。”

The hospital and contractor huddled with major team subcontractors and construction trade unions to develop a plan to present to the city. The contractor and hospital infectious disease specialists set up a series of protocols designed to keep workers and staff safe amid the pandemic. These included a full-time screener, temperature monitoring and the wearing of masks supplied by the hospital, all new concepts at the start of the pandemic.

Brigham Women's Hospital

由Skanska USA Building Co.的Chuck Choi摄影。

The hospital also ensured that workers on the project received the same access as hospital staff to COVID-19 vaccines, a significant step at a time when distribution was just starting to ramp up and doses were extremely limited. One judge liked the hospital’s decision to bring in its medical experts to work with the construction team. The judge also noted that the project lost zero recordable time. “There was a good safety record,” said the judge. “They worked with the city of Boston on safety plans, which is neat.”

在烧毁了急诊科的现有空间之后 - 去年12月,该团队已经过渡到了新的25,000平方英尺的空间 - 该团队发现现有的平板比某些地方的预期高3英寸。左右,这种差异会干扰计划为病人室计划的滑动玻璃门关闭。

The contractor brought in a structural consultant, which surveyed the floor and broke it down into grids. One solution would have been to pour concrete to help even out the floor, but the team was concerned about adding additional weight. Ultimately, it deployed a lighter-weight, self-leveling product called Supercap, which can be installed in higher and lower spots.

Brigham Women's Hospital

由Skanska USA Building Co.的Chuck Choi摄影。

由于建筑物内部的溢价空间,因此决定将两个电动基础设施盒放在屋顶上,并带有所有相关的齿轮和设备。这需要需要在各种系统的预建部门降低起重机到屋顶上,从而影响波士顿繁忙地区住宅区附近的交通。“将这两种结构放在屋顶上,所有相关的齿轮和布线都是很多工作,”电气分包商Sullivan和McLaughlin Cos的项目主管Jon Wine说。

To speed up the process, the team had sections of the electrical systems prefabricated off site. In addition, it found a piece of property near the hospital entryway on which to place the crane, avoiding placement on the street.

“That eliminated the need for road closures,” Skanska’s Northrop said.