

BEST PROJECT, AIRPORT/TRANSIT, and Award of Merit, Sustainability

OWNER:纽约州城市发展公司(D/B/A帝国国家发展)与Vornado Realty Trust,相关Cos。,Skanska,MTA,Long Island Rail Road,Amtrak,Amtrak和The Port Authority建立了公私合作伙伴关系纽约和新泽西州

领先设计公司:Skidmore Owings&Merrill



MEP ENGINEER:Jaros,Baum&Bolles


天窗结构工程师:Schlaich Bergermann伙伴

The one-acre, 92-ft-high glass canopy roof and skylight atop New York City’s Moynihan Train Hall was always going to be a centerpiece of the $1.6-billion transit center that expands capacity for the bustling Pennsylvania Station across the street in midtown Manhattan. But among many feats in transforming the 108-year-old James A. Farley Post Office into a 255,000-sq-ft passenger hub, the soaring glass structure arguably also served as the project’s design and construction highlight.

Turning the old mail sorting area of the classic McKim, Mead & White-designed structure into a sky-lit hall for rail passengers epitomized the project’s central tension—carving an innovative and functional facility out of a landmarked building built for an entirely different purpose, while balancing historic preservation with modern design.

最终的成就赢得了由2021年最佳项目法官的高分,在一个由Skidmore Owings&Merrill领导的复杂项目中,以团队合作,手工艺质量,功能和美学的胜利获得了高分。

该团队还包括Severud作为结构工程师和Jaros,Baum&Bolles作为MEP工程师;Empire State Development Corp.,Vornado Realty Trust和相关Cos。的开发人员合作伙伴关系;以及主要利益相关者,例如Amtrak,Long Island Road,大都会运输管理局,纽约和新泽西州的港口管理局以及新泽西州的Transit。

Marla说,架设天窗是一项复杂的任务,这是一个关键决定,即取下旧屋顶下的南北桁架,但要保留三个150英尺长的东西桁架,以使旧的Farley Mail分选室能够支撑新的冠层。盖尔(Gayle),副校长。

“When the demolition began and [the megatrusses] were finally revealed, everybody was blown away with how unbelievably spectacular those were—the kind of engineering that usually happens on bridges, and certainly nothing that could ever be replicated today,” she says.


Elmgreen&Dragset的“ The Hive”是31st Street门内,这是受纽约市及其他地区标志性建筑物启发的倒置城市景观。
Dave Burk/Empire State Development摄影|SOM

Enabling that effort was a clever logistics feature: installation of the “dance floor,” a temporary structural steel work deck where the sorting floor had been. That allowed demolition and construction for the skylight and train hall above the deck while work advanced below to fortify the train shed over underground tracks connecting to Penn Station.

帝国发展局执行董事道格·卡尔(Doug Carr)说:“ Skanska基本上是对物流进行的投资。”“ Skanska将站点分为两个 - 同时进行的天窗工作和平台工作,这绝对是我们如何加速建筑的很大一部分。”

From the deck, the team reinforced the megatrusses, adding 3-in.-thick steel plate box beam supports across the tops. It also erected the canopy, a task—with Schlaich Bergermann Partner as skylight structural engineer and Seele as facade design-assist contractor—requiring 775,000 lb of steel, 2,200 glass panels and 2,936 aluminum and glass elements overall. The team used adjustable scaffolding and diagonal cable support systems to achieve exacting tolerances on the skylight’s four barrel-shaped catenary vaults, which have thicker glass panels at the edges to sustain greater loads but lighter ones at the 92-ft apexes.

The deck also helped the team conduct interiors demolition, abate asbestos and lead, rehabilitate mechanical and electrical systems, upgrade lighting, add structural steel reinforcement and ensure a safe site, which contributed to the project’s overall 1.88 recordable incident rate and lost-time rate of 0.23 across more than 6 million worker hours.


The train hall expands concourse and vertical circulation capacity and significantly improves station accessibility.


该团队说,在宾夕法尼亚州车站(Penn Station)为70万乘客提供服务,Moynihan Train Hall的独特角色并不会损害其目的,以扩大50%以上的空间。大厅设有Amtrak和Lirr的票务和等候区,可改善对9个平台的访问,并连接到17条现有曲目。



The team says it achieved those goals despite the disruption caused by COVID-19, with a particularly difficult time in March 2020 when it faced both a 10-day pandemic work stoppage and the suicide of Michael Evans, former president of the Moynihan Station Development Corp.

“It was a very low point for the team and a lot of sadness,” says Shaun Pratt, project director at WSP. “For us to regroup to finish the project for New York and for Michael Evans, it was a great accomplishment.”


“We were the first in the world to receive that recognition,” Pratt says.


The new train hall’s main concourse is located in the old post office’s former mail sorting room.
戴夫·伯克(Dave Burk)和亚伦·费多/帝国国家发展摄影|SOM

Preservation and Adaptation

一个中心主题是找到适应性重用,历史保护和现代系统的正确融合。主大厅的恢复原始柱,现代数字旅客导航显示器和新添加的结合,但经典的Quaker Gray Marble象征着这种平衡。


SOM高级副校长乔恩·西科尼(Jon Cicconi)说:“这是设计为邮局的结构,主要是工业建筑,主要是邮件分类设施……成为当代公民空间和公共交通场地。”

Skanska Univil的高级运营副总裁John Sullivan说,该团队不仅尊重原始结构,而且渴望增强它。





The project was built from the top down, starting with demolition of the original sorting floor. Work included penetrating the concourse floor and 12-ft transfer girders to install 11 platform escalators.

Technical Hurdles

Another thorny task was working around remaining operations of the U.S. Postal Service and the rail tracks below, Carr says.

“We were taking over portions of the building and phasing construction,” he says. “So we were constantly working around the Postal Service during the construction phase.”

卡尔补充说,加强火车棚的工作也很细致。“田径停电非常高度编排 - 周末中断从晚上10点开始。在一个星期五,在星期一凌晨5点返回曲目,在星期五撤离服务,并在星期一返回曲目。”他说。




Moynihan火车大厅’s crowning glory, shown while under construction, required reinforcing the existing 150-ft trusses and installing the barrel skylight.

Strong Communications

设计项目的安静achievemen之一ts was a high level of coordination among the stakeholders. Various participants established protocols to ensure maximum levels of collaboration and communication with other team players on a project with an aggressive schedule and various overseas suppliers.


“There was definitely ongoing coordination through the entire project,” he says.

The team also implemented a rigorous scenario testing process to ensure facility readiness, planning a program 18 months in advance to first conduct small trial runs and then a large-scale event in early December 2020 with 150 people simulating a normal day of operations, Pratt says.

The goal was to flag potential problems and get project participants to focus on the commuter and worker experience, says Kelly Pilarski, WSP project manager and lead engineer.

“It really forced everybody that was going to be an end user for this facility to think about what they needed, and how far in advance of opening they needed to test and run trials and to think about how operating procedures should work,” she says.



水力系统集中在人们循环而不是上面空气的地板上,节省了没有人会占据的区域的调节温度的成本。新利18备用官网登录Ryan Stecher,JB&B Associate合作伙伴Ryan Stecher说,该系统的管道和嵌入式传感器还促进了在78,000平方英尺的大厅中对27个区域的个人控制,允许在每个“微气候”中进行不同的设置,例如在阳光下沐浴在阳光与阴影空间的区域。



Visitors also will be able to appreciate another signature element—prominent public artwork. Art elements include “The Hive,” a ceiling-hung sculpture of an inverted cityscape by Elmgreen & Dragset; an LED-lit stained glass and steel structure depicting New Yorkers in modern dance poses by Kehinde Wiley; and a series of photo panels harking back to the original Penn Station by Stan Douglas.

皮拉斯基说,每件作品不仅需要进行安装,而且还需要进行测试。“ Moynihan的艺术是壮观的。这本身就是一个目的地。”她补充说。