Virginia Utilition Dominion Energy为其拟议的2.6 gw海上风能项目授予了五项大型建筑合同,该项目将在美国建造时最大,其首席执行官报告说,项目规模限制了单个EPC承包商提供所需财务的能力保证。

在季度财报电话会议与投资者去年week, President and CEO Robert Blue also reported the cost for the 176-turbine project now is $9.8 billion, up $2 billion from the original estimate in 2019 due to price hikes in steel and other key commodities, design refinement and offshore-to-onshore power transmission route changes.





DEME Offshore US, a Boston unit of a Belgian energy sector firm, and the South Carolina arm of Milan, Italy-based Prysmian Cables and Systems, a leading global installer of underwater energy cable systems, will provide the balance of plant engineering, procurement, transportation and installation.

Deme Offshore宣布,合同价值为19亿美元,称其为有史以来最大的离岸风装置合同

“This significant contract will allow us to further build out our US footprint, working with key partners and the local supply chain to grow jobs," said Sid Florey, DEME Offshore US president.


Europe-based manufacturer Siemens Gamesa has the Virginia project's contract to supply, install and commission turbines that produce 14.7 MW each. A joint venture of Denmark-based Bladt Industries and SEMCO Maritime Renewables will build three 800-MW offshore substations.


Bladt还将提供176件过渡件,将单翼基础连接到风力涡轮塔。该命令是我们历史上最大的一项,并将在未来几年内占据我们的大部分能力。”过渡片高达30米,直径约为8 m。布拉德说,每个重量在540至570吨之间。


单一基础,过渡件和涡轮组件的分期将在朴茨茅斯海洋码头作为一部分previously announced10-year lease with the Virginia Port Authority.

Impact on Ratepayers

该项目是美国唯一拥有公用事业公司的项目,但Blue表示,升级的功率生产能力将限制对纳税人的成本影响。他说,对客户的长期项目成本为每兆瓦时的$ 87/兆瓦新利18备用官网登录,低于以前的成本数字的最高范围。蓝色预计,预期的国会通过海上风税抵免额的成本降低了。

根据弗吉尼亚州的2020年《清洁经济法》,费用还低于$ 125/兆瓦的最高设置。该州法律设定了一个目标,即到2034年至少生产5.2吉瓦的海上风能,到2045年,该州的100%无碳能源生产。它要求清洁能源构建始于2024年。Dominion项目将于2023年开始工作。




“The timing of the Virginia offshore wind commercial project is designed to lock in scarce manufacturing and transportation slots,” Mark Mitchell, Dominion senior vice president of project construction said in testimony submitted to state regulators. More than 1,500 offshore turbines are in planning or development stages from North Carolina to Massachusetts on 17 federally leased areas, he said. The Biden Administration targets 30 GW of offshore wind deployed by 2030, with最近的租赁现场扩展宣布。

在11月2日的选举将代表众议院转移到共和党控制权的选举之后,竞选成为众议院议长的众议员托德·吉尔伯特(Todd Gilbert新利18备用官网登录通过激励风和太阳能产生。

Republican Gov. elect Glenn Youngkin, a former executive of project finance firm Carlyle Group, said he is not opposed to wind and solar energy projects, but remains concerned about the cost impact and speed of the energy transition and the state clean energy law's impact on phasing out natural gas as a fuel source. He is described as “”very smart and common sense” by a knowledgeable industry source, with a solid background in infrastructure finance.

