拜登政府暗示,它可能会增加对Enbridge Inc.的替换隧道的环境审查的范围。第5行从加拿大到密歇根州的水下油和天然气管道,但一天后,它退缩了这一建议。


White House Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Nov. 8 that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is preparing “an environmental impact statement on Line 5 and the construction of that replacement line,” which she said “will help inform any additional action or position the U.S. will be taking on the replacement of Line 5.”

一天后,让·皮埃尔(Jean-Pierre)澄清说,政府没有打算关闭现有的第5行5。EIS将涵盖在前密歇根州政府Rick Snyder(R)政府最后几天批准的拟议替换隧道的建设。密歇根州最近的威胁要关闭现有的线路,这促使加拿大援引1977年与美国的条约规定触发双边谈判。


The Corps confirmed the environmental impact statement is for the new Line 5 tunnel. “That’s what it’s looking at, but that does not mean it may not find anything else,” said William Dowell, chief of public affairs with the USACE Detroit district.



The letter from the tribes of the Three Fires Confederacy of Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi, said shutting down the pipeline and opposing the approved replacement tunnel is essential to preserving their fishing, hunting and gathering rights in the straits under the 1836 Treaty of Washington. The portion of the Line 5 pipeline in dispute goes through both U.S. and Canadian waters in Lake Huron.


海湾米尔斯印度社区执行理事会主席惠特尼·格拉维尔(Whitney Gravelle)表示,条约中概述的权利仍然很重要。


这些部落加入密歇根州州长格蕾琴·惠特默(D),他们引用了安全,环境问题和土著人民的条约权利,这是她2020年11月企图撤销允许基于卡尔加里的恩布里奇(Calgary Enbridge)的一些原因公司,操作管道。

她命令恩布里奇(Enbridge)在5月12日之前关闭管道,但该能源公司(Energy Company)迄今已违反了该命令,称该命令只有在法院或其监管机构命令下命令下命令,它才会关闭该命令。到目前为止,法院和两个可以下令关闭的监管机构,密歇根州环境部大湖与能源部以及密歇根州公共服务委员会尚未这样做。


Whitmer and Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel (D) and Enbridge are engaged in several ongoing court battles.

总检察长内塞尔新闻秘书Lynsey Mukomel表示:“我们欢迎部落国家支持我们关闭第5行的努力以及他们要求拜登政府这样做的要求。”

美国地方法院法官珍妮特·内夫(Janet Neff)正在权衡是否应在州或联邦法院审理无数管道案件。

恩布里奇spokesperson Ryan Duffy said the company wants the cases to be heard in federal court. Gravelle said the Tribal Nations want the cases to be heard in state court.




加拿大大使馆发言人戴安娜·坦(Diana Tan)说:“第5行已经安全运营已有65年了,正在为密歇根州,俄亥俄州和宾夕法尼亚州以及安大略省和魁北克提供基本能量,并为经济提供动力。”

Duffy agreed.

“There are millions of people and thousands of businesses on both sides of the border who are dependent on Line 5 to provide the fuel they need for heating, manufacturing, airplanes, roads and automobiles,” he said. “Line 5 is vital energy infrastructure on a daily basis to Michigan, other states in the region, and Canada’s two largest provinces.

Duffy said his company respects the treaty rights of the Tribal Nations. He added that Enbridge spends millions of dollars a year to ensure the pipeline’s safety. He said construction of a new tunnel is critical to that effort.
