After nearly three months in a holding pattern and a long day of back-and-forth negotiations among House Democrats, the chamber approved a sweeping, multi-year infrastructure funding package late on Nov. 5 that will provide an estimated $1 trillion for a wide range of infrastructure categories, including highways, transit, rail, water, power and broadband.


The Senate had passed the legislation, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, or IIJA, on Aug. 10. The House vote represents final congressional approval for the bill, sending it to President Joe Biden for his signature.

The legislation is of critical importance to construction, engineering and transportation groups and is arguably their top legislative priority. Many issued statements cheering the House action.

“It is a great day for the nation.”
Dennis D. Truax, president, American Society of Civil Engineers

“这是美国历史上最伟大的一天,”丹尼斯说D。Truax, American Society of Civil Engineers president. "Hallelujah!!!" American Council of Engineering Cos. CEO Linda Bauer Darr wrote on Twitter.

美国相关总承包商首席执行官斯蒂芬·桑德尔(Stephen E.

美国州公路和运输官员协会执行董事吉姆·提门(Jim Tymon)表示,该法案是“一项历史性的立法,为高速公路,公交,公路安全和铁路计划提供了急需的资金增加。”

Funding is the keystone of the massive act, but it also has policy changes. One important policy provision codifies a Trump administration directive seeking to reduce the time it takes federal agencies to issue environmental approvals for major infrastructure projects.

Of the measure's estimated $1-trillion total, about $550 billion is increased funding over current baseline levels for various infrastructure categories. Highways, bridges and other major transportation projects would receive about $110 billion out of the $550 billion. Passenger and freight rail would get $66 billion, transit would receive $39 billion, airports $25 billion and port and inland waterways projects would get $17 billion.




运输and construction groups were particularly happy to see the five-year highway-transit reauthorization, stating that the long term provides them more certainty about funding over the next several years for major projects.

美国道路与运输建筑商协会首席执行官戴夫·鲍尔(Dave Bauer)表示,该立法“是有意义地解决美国运输网络状况和绩效的50多年来最重要的措施。”


The highway and water reauthorizations had cleared the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee earlier this year. The EPA water bill, totaling $35 billion, also was approved by the full Senate earlier, and is wrapped into the big, new package.

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (W.Va.), the top Republican on Environment and Public Works, has said the package’s highway authorization totals $303 billion, a 35% increase over the last multiyear highway bill, the 2015 Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act.

Another provision in the bill would shore up the struggling Highway Trust Fund by transferring $118 billion from the general fund. Of that infusion, the trust fund's highways account would receive $90 billion and its transit account would get the other $28 billion.

The vote was stalled for much of the day because of disagreements over a separate $1.9-trillion climate and social policy measure. That bill, the Build Back Better (BBB) act, is another top Biden priority.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was at the center of the negotiations with factions within the Democratic caucus.

House Democratic progressives threatened to withhold their votes for the infrastructure bill because they first wanted to see an estimate of the Build Back Better bill's price tag from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. In the end, the compromise reached was to have a House vote on that legislation by mid-November.

To assuage progressives, in the hours before the final vote, five moderate House Democrats released a statement pledging to vote for the BBB soon after they get the CBO "score" for the BBB bill's cost, and no later than the week of Nov. 15.

If the BBB wins House approval, it would go to the Senate, which is widely expected to revise the House measure.

Unlike the infrastructure bill the BBB will be taken up under the reconciliation mechanism. It permits bills to clear the Senate with a simple majority, bypassing the usual 60-vote threshold to avert a filibuster in that chamber.