Regaining control over the climate crisis will require a change in the way cities are designed and built, noted British architect Sir Norman Foster told global attendees at theCOP26首脑会议in Glasgow, Scotland, in a presentation with John Kerry, President Joe Biden's special climate envoy.


“Many of the standards that can rate a building environmentally, like LEED and BREEAM, are to be encouraged,” he says. “They’re about, in many ways, the wellness of the building, environmentally, in terms of its impact on the planet. You’ve got a new range of ratings about wellness, so they’re about the health of those who use the building. What we’re realizing now is that none of these ratings assess the embedded carbon in the materials that make the building. At the same time, they are not factoring in the operational carbon."


He compared Detroit with Copenhagen, Denmark. The cities have similar populations and climates. Copenhagen is older and much more compact, but Detroit, built for cars, uses far more energy. Now amid climate change, Foster says people are rediscovering the benefits of traditional cities, and the importance of their infrastructure.



