The federal appeals court in Richmond, Va. is poised to decide whether Fluor Corp. workers terminated when construction on the $9-billion VC Summer nuclear power plant project was abandoned are owed 60 days’ pay and benefits—a ruling that would have “far-reaching and destabilizing effect” on the construction industry if it favors the payout, claimed the Associated Builders and Contractors in a case brief filed.

As part of a class action lawsuit filed in 2017, the workers argue that they are due reimbursement under the federal Workers Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN), which requires that those terminated get 60 days notice before being laid off. About 5,000 workers were terminated at the project on July 31, 2017, when it was abandoned.


问题是是否应合法地将独立承包商视为所有者。在诉讼中,工人声称植物所有者Scana和承包商Westinghouse Electric Corp.和Fluor基本上都根据《警告法》作为单一雇主,并且故意未能根据法律要求给雇员至少60天的终止通知。

SCANA opted to end V.C. Summer construction, citing costs. In a major contractor shakeup earlier, Westinghouse had reached agreement with Fluor to shift to it primary responsibility for construction. Fluor had been a Westinghouse subcontractor since 2016 to manage construction and hire craft employees.






法院指出,根据《警告法》,雇主“不得在60天的期限结束之前命令工厂关闭或大规模裁员”。, benefits and attorney’s fees.”


下级法院说:“否则,可能会畸形的警告行为远远超出了国会的意图,并可能针对完全独立于承包商或分包商的主要客户开放一系列诉讼。”“虽然有一些证据表明de facto据称,控制权是在EPC协议的条款中存在的,它并不超过相反的大量证据,而远远无法验证原告对批发控制的主张。”

Workers claim that SCANA had financial control over Fluor that amounted to common ownership because SCANA owned the project and its jobs. But the court said workers did not prove “this innovative theory of financial ownership.”

但是下级法院说,Scana和Fluor是完全独立且无关的公司,其“过去和现在”的联系是核项目。它说,关闭“相当于荧光的不可预见的业务环境”,这使它警告了未能向其直接员工发送60天通知的责任。法院说:“ [法律]的简单语言根本不能防止所有工厂封闭或大规模裁员。”

In its district court brief in support of Fluor, ABC said no court has ever adopted workers’ novel theory of single-employer liability for unaffiliated, independent businesses in the construction industry, and that such a ruling would have a far-reaching effect never intended by Congress under the WARN Act.

“Congress and the Department of Labor have long understood that the construction industry is unique in its methods and contracting requirements, and the Act’s application to construction is severely limited by the ‘temporary project’ exemption,” ABC said, noting that contractors frequently hire workers for a particular building or project and fall under the exemption if workers understood at time of hire that their work was temporary.


In a filing to the appellate court, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce argued that federal regulations say that a company that contracts for a service is not the employer of the independent contractor’s employees. It added that regulations also provide that a company’s “sudden and unexpected termination of a major contract” may be an unforeseeable business circumstance that excuses the employer from providing 60 days’ advance notice because the “action is outside the employer’s control.”