The Shimmick Construction Co. team working on the test pile for the troubled foundation fix of the settling Millennium Tower in San Francisco has switched gears again, this time because of equipment troubles.

Last week, instead of completing the permanent pilot pile by installing the 24-in.-dia steel-encased concrete pile to a depth of about 270 ft, work resumed with the installation of a second outer 36-in.-dia casing for another future 24-in.-dia pile. The outer casing work was approved by the city based on the success of the第一个外壳的安装对于混凝土堆,10月12日至13日。

据Simpson Gumpertz&Heger及其结构性的高级校长Ronald O. Hamburger报道,第二个36英寸Dia套管于10月28日至29日安装,也达到了大约105英尺的深度。1亿美元的基金会修复的录制工程师录制了,就像将保险杠插孔放在扁平轮胎旁边。


加速定居和倾斜 - 由旨在纠正大约17英寸建筑物定居点的外围堆积升级造成的造成,当时8月20日汉堡停止了工作。

The 645-ft-tall residential condominium, which remains occupied, has sunk a total of about 18 in. since its completion in 2008. The cause is consolidation of Old Bay Clay, according to Hamburger. The fix itself accounts for about 1 in. of the total settlement.



据DBI称,汉堡在10月26日向旧金山部提交了一项提案,要求在8月20日停止工作后制定的批准的修订程序,以恢复沿Mission Street的五个,36英寸DIA套管的恢复。

DBI,工程设计评论团队(EDRT)和Dan Brown and Associates(DBA)是一位具有钻探专业知识的岩土技术和基础工程师,批准了与外壳一起前进的建议。

“我们的立场基于36英寸产生的最小整体和解和倾斜。飞行员套管于本月初使用相同的修改程序安装在位置33。” DBI临时董事Patrick O’Riordan在10月27日信致千年塔协会的成员和MTA总经理詹姆斯·扎拉丁(James Zaratin)。


The support was predicated on several conditions, including monitoring building settlement for the first additional casing in real-time, using a survey team and gradient strip mounted on the building façade. “Construction must cease immediately should settlement in the northwest corner exceed ¼-in., and Mr. Hamburger must immediately notify DBI, the EDRT and DBA,” stated the O’Riordan letter.






Shimmick has declined to comment on the work, but Hamburger reports replacement parts have been ordered. “We should be running the 24-in. test next week or the week after, depending on how the equipment repair goes,” he says.