
The system will replace the up-front price setting approach used for the 3,200-MW Hinkley Point C plant now under construction and could reduce or eliminate Chinese involvement in the planned same-sized Sizewell C plant, expected to be built next. Both are located in England.

Using the RAB approach, a developer can secure debt and equity financing, funded to a large degree by consumers in their regular electricity bills from the start of a project.


此举是welcomed by Tom Thackray, decarbonization program director at the Confederation of British Industry, a lobbying group. “The RAB model ... has the potential to secure backing from a wide range of investors," he said.

但是,Stop Sizewell C竞选的女发言人Alison Downes说:“ RAB是一项拼命的措施,吸引了Sizewell C的投资,这是一个如此有毒的项目,以至于没人愿意为此付出代价。”

能源部长格雷格·赫尔德(Greg Hands)表示,在大型项目的整个建设阶段,平均电费将每年增加不到17美元。

RAB将取代差异合同(CFD)系统,这导致“太多的海外核开发商离开了项目”,根据商业,能源和工业战略国务卿Kwasi Kwarteng表示。新利18备用网址

在威尔士的Wylfa Newydd和Toshiba在英格兰Moorside的3,400兆瓦工厂的日立2700兆瓦项目都被放弃了。

不w in its fifth year of construction, the 3,200-MW Hinkley Point C, in Somerset, was set up using the CfD approach in 2016. The developer was guaranteed a price of $127 per MWh at 2012 prices for 35 years of generation.

对于该项目,开发商必须承担已经达到30%的成本。法国国家控制的EDF Energy是该项目的多数股东,总部位于北京的中国核公司持有少数股份。

The RAB policy is "is a big step forward," says a spokesperson for the Sizewell C team. The project is going through various permitting steps and could be ready for financing at the end of 2022.

Under the original Hinkley Point C deal, EDF would again lead China General as Sizewell's project owner. The Chinese company was also in the running to control development of the Bradwell B plant, in Maldon, England. Regulatory assessment of China’s HPR1000 reactor "is on-track for completion in early 2022," the firm says.

However, U.K.-Chinese relations have chilled since the original deal in 2016, raising political doubts over China General's continuing involvement in the country’s critical infrastructure.

The RAB approach would eliminate need for Chinese financing. By widening the pool of potential institutional investors, the system would reduce "the U.K.’s reliance on overseas developers for financing new nuclear projects,” the government claims.