Atlanta Water Supply Program




承包商:PC Construction and H.J. Russell Joint Venture (PC/Russell JV)

领导设计公司:河流(R2T)和Stantec JV




随着将一次性采石场转化成2.4-billion-gallon raw water storage facility, the project team—led by the construction manager at-risk joint venture of PC Construction and H.J. Russell & Co.—mined five miles of 12.5-ft-dia tunnel through hard gneiss bedrock more than 400 ft below the surface. Blind-bore drilling created eleven 235-ft-deep to 420-ft-deep hard rock tunnel access shafts ranging between 8 ft and 40 ft in diameter. New 200-million and 135-million-gallon-per-day pump stations manage the two-way flow of water from the Chattahoochee River to the quarry to keep the treatment system in balance with demand.

Ade Abon, Atlanta’s senior watershed director, says the consequences of running short of water outweighed the many uncertainties associated with such an ambitious project scope and schedule. That, he adds, made CMAR the best delivery tool for the challenge.

Abon说:“这座城市无法本身解决技术问题,我们负担不起漫长的,吸引人的设计和施工过程。”“ CMAR为我们提供了我们需要的专业知识。”

PC建筑项目总监Bob Huie补充说,该项目团队很容易接受该市的口头禅,即“时间是国王”,同时还提供了为有时解决问题的最佳解决方案提供必要的协作环境。



该项目需要安装由德国制造商安德里兹(Andritz)为采石场泵站制造的三个1,800 hp,4000万加仑的潜水泵。
Photo by Brian Grassel

Digging In

当PC/Russell合资企业在30%的设计阶段与首席工程师Stantec和River加入Tap Inc.时,CMAR的好处显而易见。随着隧道采矿形成供水系统和建筑的关键路径的骨干,原始计划要求该项目分为两个阶段。
When extensive preconstruction assessment of the design team’s concepts uncovered a potential budget and schedule issue with that approach, the city consolidated the work into a single contract. PC Construction says this enabled the team to redesign, re-coordinate and reprioritize the work, ultimately reducing several years and millions of dollars from the program.

当建筑于2015年12月开始时,项目团队仍然面临着与隧道相关的挑战,其中一些与时间本身一样古老。Stantec的高级地质学家兼该项目的助理居民工程师亚当·贝德尔(Adam Bedell)解释说,亚特兰大的皮埃蒙特·萨普洛利特(Piedmont Saprolitic)土壤和贝德洛克(Bedrock)的特征急剧变化,使得准确的钻孔必须成为如此漫长而复杂的途径。


pump station

The facility’s pump station, located adjacent to the 2.4-billiongallon raw water storage facility, achieved LEED Silver certification.
Photo by Brian Grassel

然后是使用相对缺乏经验的劳动力来处理几乎连续的48个月的隧道努力,分布在四个站点上,并将钻和刺激技术与400英尺长的12.5英尺,12.5英尺的隧道结合在一起- 陶器,昵称为“隧道麦克”。

Jacob Coibion, project manager for tunneling subcontractor Guy F. Atkinson Construction, which teamed with Technique Concrete Construction for the project, explains that many Atlanta-area trade workers with underground experience had left the area following the conclusion of the city’s last major infrastructure construction effort several years earlier.

“Because the work was so spread out, we could easily lose that focus,” he says.


pump station

Photo by Brian Grassel


另一种安全改编正等待着2020年亚特兰大供水计划,因为Covid-19的传播使该项目的最后几个月变得复杂。项目团队在各种元素完成后实施了掩盖,社交距离和其他措施,但是对于预定的春季组装和安装三个1800 hp,300英尺长的40 mgd潜水泵将需要另一种方法德国制造商安德里兹(Andritz)为采石场泵站。

- 雅各布·科比恩(Jacob Coibion​​),盖伊·F·阿特金森建筑项目经理

Huie explains that the pump supply contract required the guidance of onsite Andritz representatives, who were unable to travel to the U.S. due to pandemic travel restrictions. With the borders still blocked after a three-month postponement of the pump work and the project’s finish line tantalizingly in sight, the PC/Russell team sought an acceptable oversight alternative.



The project’s tunnel-boring team broke through in the fall of 2018.
照片由Ulrich Brinkmann摄影




