美国能源部宣布了为期10年的无限期交付,无限期的定期合同奖,总价值高达近300亿美元,向承包商团队进行管理和清理,在两个主要的前联邦核武器生产综合体中进行管理和清理,并持续相关的相关研究行动 - 南卡罗来纳州艾肯的萨凡纳河遗址(SRS)和田纳西州橡树岭的橡树岭保留地。

Amentum, the former government services arm of AECOM that was spun off last year, is a member of winning teams for the Oct. 27-announced awards at both sites.

The SRS contract, valued at up to $21 billion over the contract period, was won by a joint venture led by a BWXT subsidiary and Fluor Corp. The team includes small businesses, DBD and Wesworks. Both Fluor and Amentum have existing waste management contracts at the site, but DOE did not indicate how the new contract would affect those.

多伊说it received four proposals, but did not identify submitters.据行业出版物称武器复杂监视器.

DOE认为,合同包括高级废物玻璃化,玻璃存储设施扩展,Defense waste processing facility operations and potential management and stabilization of nuclear materials. Work will involveconstruction of the Savannah River Plutonium Processing Facility, set to come on line in 2030 and be built from the partially completed Mixed Oxide Fuel (MOX) plant.

At the agency's 35,000-acre Oak Ridge site near Knoxville, the estimated $8.3-billion new contract was awarded to a team that also includes Jacobs and Honeywell, with subcontractors RSI EnTec, Strata-G, Longenecker & Associates and Environmental Alternatives.

It replaces one awarded in 2011 to Jacobs as part of a joint venture of URS, now part of AECOM, and CH2M, which Jacobs acquired in 2018. That contract2022年1月31日到期;但是DOE可以选择将其延长六个月。


