建造economics pioneer ENR’s Elsie Eaves is still drawing recognition today. Eaves joined ENR in 1926, five years after the magazine introduced its Construction Cost Index, but she was the one who made the indexes an industry standard. A large water-wastewater utility serving the eastern San Francisco Bay Area recently held a competition to name its new financial system, and the winner was Elsie Eaves.

东湾市政公用事业区财务总监索菲亚·斯柯达(Sophia Skoda)告诉ENR竞争,并表示该公用事业公司经常使用ENR成本指数。新利18备用关于工作人员新名称的注释说,屋檐“屋檐在1920年获得了土木工程学位……并为我们的行业做出了许多重大贡献,包括担任现在成本工程发展协会的创始成员。她本来可以作为地区雇员非常合适,因此她的名字非常适合我们的新金融系统!”

Scott Lewis, ENR research director and staff historian, filled in more details about Eaves. She managed ENR’s business news department for 30 years, he reports, where she pioneered ways of measuring the market for construction materials and wages. She was the first woman to become a full member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. In the 1930s, she directed an inventory of needed construction projects to support passage of federal loan-grant legislation that helped revive construction during the Great Depression.

ENR once again has a woman leading costs and economics coverage. Alisa Zevin took the post in 2017, after two years as the editor of ENR’s New York regional edition. She also has been active on the program development team for the Groundbreaking Women in Construction event. “I’m proud to be part of that group, and to follow in Elsie’s footsteps as Economics Editor. ENR’s cost data has evolved over the years, and will continue to do so in the future, but Elsie’s indexes remain vital to understanding and using our data,” Zevin says.

ENR成新利18备用本索引在100多年前首次亮相 - 1921年7月21日发行。现在,它们是美国数百个市政政府机构(例如学区和下水道地区)持续时间最长的建筑成本指数,依靠ENR指数每年调整其费用。新利18备用许多承包商和联邦机构,例如美国陆军工程兵团,也依靠他们了解成本波动并发展项目的升级因素。新利18备用网址
