

fercChairman Richard Glick said in remarks Oct. 19 to the Western Interstate Energy Board that his goal is to issue a proposed rule next year on grid changes. In a Senate hearing also that day, the agency's new commissioner nominee, Willie Phillips, current chair of the nonprofit Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia, said he supports all attempts to increase the flow of power.

New England is in “dire need” of revised system planning and cost allocation approaches to unlock new clean energy resources and cost-effectively integrate them into the regional grid, the Massachusetts Dept. of Energy Resources said in its comments. “This can only be accomplished if the rules and processes are updated to allow regional planners to look forward beyond the near and intermediate timeframe.”

But transmission owners in the 15-state region operated by the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), told FERC it is already planning for a future that includes 80% carbon reduction and "at least 50% renewable penetration," adding, "There is no need for the commission to impose requirements on MISO to do things that MISO is already doing."

American Electric Power, which operates in 11 states and owns the largest U.S. transmission system with more than 40,000 miles of lines—including more extra-high voltage lines than all other systems combined—expects to allocate 72% of its capital investment to modernize the energy grid by 2025, the company said. AEP anticipates adding more than 16,000 MW of solar and wind generation by 2030.

The “grid of the future” is a backbone that supports a rapidly changing generation mix strong enough to withstand more frequent extreme weather, be secure against cybersecurity threats and able to incorporate new technologies, it said.


缅因州波特兰的一家能源领事竞争能源服务说,拟议的FERC规则制定至少五年太晚了。首席执行官Richard Silkman说:“十年前,笔迹在墙上。新利18备用网址在过去十年中,开发和“慢速脱轨”。Silkman说,FERC需要“以所有刻意的速度”采取遥远的动作,以使网格能够处理增加的功率负载。


The group urged FERC “to avoid trying to fix what is not broken or … inadvertently create unintended consequences or counterproductive measures.”





