Getting the most accurate data on projects while they’re underway is often an endless stream of contradictory information from project superintendents, executive summaries and delayed invoices from subcontractors. Turner Construction—which has already seen some success with a去年Versatile的CraneView传感器的飞行员部署—has decided to deploy the machine-learning-based system across its projects' cranes.

特纳副总裁兼首席创新官詹姆斯·巴雷特(James Barrett)说:“起重机就在工作地点的中心。”“它为我们带来了一定程度的自动化和更高水平的见解,这使整个[构建]过程变得更加科学。”根据与Versatile的新的多年企业协议,Turner将使Craneview软件包可用于全国各地的工作地点。

如果CraneView传感器包ts on a load cell that hangs just below the crane hook. With cameras and other sensors, it uses the vantage point of the crane hook to track crane usage and jobsite activity. A cloud-based system uses machine learning to identify various leading indicators of jobsite efficiency and progress, generating daily reports for project executives, superintendents and safety managers on what’s happening on site.

“This is an exciting phase for us,” says Meirav Oren, co-founder and CEO of Versatile. “Turner is a larger scale deployment for us, we have other enterprise deals but this will be our largest to date.” Oren says that Turner was one of the companies early adopters, and there is still much potential for what better actionable data can mean for construction. “Turner is sending a strong message to the industry on where we should be going.”

Turner Sees Practical Uses for AI Tech



Barrett says that Turner has looked at many AI systems targeting construction, mostly attempts to automate aspects of planning and estimating. But these approaches often don’t gel well with the human experts, he says. “Our people agree that [CraneView] helps them be better at their job,” he says. “A lot of AI solutions try to replace people, this is bout helping humans do their job better.”

尽管CraneView主要旨在为项目团队提供更好的数据以使其更聪明地工作,但Barrett并未排除它帮助Turner加速其对精益建筑的使用。他说:“在这方面,特纳并不是独一无二的,该行业正在采用精益方法。”“但这与正在发生的世代转变也是一种很好的融合 - 年轻一代更加精通技术,并正在寻找新的构建方式。他们想以与过去不同的方式建立,他们对技术的拥抱只会加速。”