一个新的加州法律旨在削减国家的绿色house gas related to its cement sector to net-zero emissions by the end of 2045. Experts say it will likely influence federal regulations for cement.

州长加文·纽瑟姆(Gavin Newsom)于9月23日签署了立法,参议院第596号法案或“水泥部门:净零排放战略”,这是针对各种气候和清洁能源努力的新措施的一部分。该法律将于1月1日生效。法律要求加州空气资源委员会(CARB)制定一项战略以达到碳中立目标。它还设定了临时目标,包括到2035年底降低40%的温室气体,尽管它确实允许董事会在2028年中期调整目标。

The new law and strategies could impact national standards, says Dana Palmer, a partner at law firm Allen Matkins who specializes in environmental and natural resources issues. He expects the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency could begin its own rulemaking process for cement-related emissions within the next year.

“人们意识到,这种监管过程,即使它只会影响加利福尼亚,也可能对联邦监管过程非常有影响力,尤其是目前在华盛顿特区的志趣相投的政府,它可能会在整个地球上产生连锁反应,“ 他说。

Thomas Tietz, executive of the California Nevada Cement Association, says California’s cement manufacturers are already committed to reaching carbon neutrality by 2045, although he adds it will be “extraordinarily difficult.” The group released its own plan for carbon neutrality earlier this year, based on process emissions, combustion emissions/fuel switching and electricity generation. The new law should be able to help the state’s cement sector accelerate its adoption of new technologies, switch to alternative fuels, produce low-carbon blends and add efficiency improvements, Tietz says.

For contractors, AGC of California CEO Peter Tateishi doesn’t expect any major changes from the new law.

“We’ll always meet the specifications based on what it is,” Tateishi says. “It may increase how we bid work, but I don’t think it’ll change how we do the work.”

To develop its strategy, CARB will define a metric for GHG intensity and evaluate 2019 data from cement manufacturing plants to establish a baseline. Then it will evaluate current and new measures to help reach the net-zero goal, working with experts from the industry, government agencies and elsewhere. It will have just 18 months to develop the comprehensive strategy, a timeline that Palmer calls “light speed in the context of governmental regulation.”

Palmer says there will be many public meetings and opportunities for companies in the industry to participate in the process. Because of the short timeline, he recommends that anyone interested — even from outside California — join when the process gets started in early 2022. The cement manufacturers group and AGC of California both intend to work with the air board throughout the process.

“我们要确保,我们mplementing the law, it’s done in a way that won’t impact or harm our ability to do the work that is already in motion and has been bid out,” Tateishi says.


“Until we change some of those things, we’re stuck,” he says.



“If any of this becomes too expensive for us to implement, we lose our competitiveness,” Tietz says. “This is all part of the balance that needs to be carefully considered as we move forward.”


“They recognize that inducing market demand for ‘greener’ cement may be necessary,” Palmer says.

帕尔默说,最初的激励措施可能会通过要求低碳水泥来竞标政府合同。如前所新利18备用述,大约40个州点已经接受了新的波特兰 - 铁质石水泥混合物with a 10% lower carbon footprint than traditional portland cement, according to the Portland Cement Association.

State Sen. Josh Becker, a Democrat from Menlo Park, sponsored the bill. He’s working on a follow-up bill he says would add low-carbon concrete to California’s Buy Clean law in order to drive demand for low-carbon cement.

In a statement, Becker said that GHG emissions from cement production contribute about 8 million tons of carbon dioxide in California each year, and that the sector is the second-largest industrial source of GHG emissions in the state behind oil and gas.
