Anyone who has ever been on a construction site knows that surprises, complications and unforeseen circumstances are a nearly unavoidable reality, with even the most skilled and experienced engineering and construction professionals susceptible to them.


But what if you could reduce them?


That’s the question being asked by a growing group of engineers and contractors who are starting to embrace a new class of digital twin technologies


This isn’t a digital twin as you may think of it, that's a one model handover to the owner. This is a 3D digital twin that changes with your site.

A digital twin is a digital representation of something in the physical world. BIM/VDC technologies have been around for a while and are well known for their use in preconstruction planning, but 3D digital twin technology delivers a view of how the construction site looks like now — not just how it was designed to look. Thanks to reality capture technology, what’s going on with a construction site can constantly be updated in the 3D model to reflect the as-built environment. Those two factors, a) being in 3D, and b) depicting a current representation of the physical reality of a job site, are game changers for professionals in the engineering and construction sectors — and for owners, too.

在起作用的变化更大,这就是建筑物生命周期中使用数字双胞胎技术的地方和何时使用。当您想到BIM/VDC时,您可能会认为它是在计划阶段中使用的。但是,在整个属性的整个生命周期中都使用了3D数字双技术技术 - 从施工一直到维护和操作。在实体网站或资产中具有最新的3D视觉表示,同时启用企业的安全协作和持续的数据分析为项目中涉及的每个人提供各种价值:所有者,工程师,工程师,总承包商和分包商,项目经理,项目经理,项目经理,项目经理,项目经理,项目经理,项目经理,项目经理,项目经理,项目经理,项目经理,项目经理,项目经理BIM/VDC专家和物业管理公司。


COVID-19 changed a lot in all of our daily lives. Traveling got more difficult and some aspects of those changes, especially as related to remote working, seem likely to stick around. With 3D visual digital twin technology, anybody who needs access to the 3D model can have in-depth, accurate, up-to-date and secure access to the as-built specifics of any project. That’s probably why more and more owners are beginning to require their general contractors and construction teams to use 3D digital twins.

3D digital twin technology makes it easier to manage the multiple complexities inherent in projects. If your goal is to stay on time, on budget and on target, 3D digital twin technology increases your odds significantly.

西蒙·贝(Simon Bae)是3D数字双软件和硬件制造商Cupix的Ceoof Cubix。