W匹兹堡地区开发商Hen Elmhurst Group于去年11月开始为一座新型综合用途建筑收集出价,钢制框架,屋顶和覆层面板的价格为1400万美元的项目的价格超过了预期的382,000美元失望让Elmhurst停顿。该项目的总体材料成本超过65万美元新利18备用官网登录以上的价格高于最初计算的。

Elmhurst开发总监Brian Miller说,该公司决定在几个月后重新考虑钢铁部分,以获取较低的价格。虽然“不适合供应商关系的理想”,但由于整体材料成本增加了,因此需要钢板重构。



The inflationary tide that is well-known in steel and lumber has also swept up other product classes, such as insulation and solar panels. The effect sometimes is project paralysis and deferred decisions to build.

Right now, owners and contractors can’t decide whether to wait for prices of some materials to fall, or to proceed with projects to avoid more delays—for some, a bigger issue than price.

—Chris Smith, AGC of California

“我们有一些承包商说,他们将尝试等待大约12个月左右,但仍然不能保证价格或供应链问题将在12个月内解决。”和中央州政府事务经理Associated General Contractors of California。“过去,我们已经看到持续了两年的物质成本上涨,但目前的主要问题是供应链方面”和延误。



尽管随着流行病的能力返回,一些分析师预计钢铁价格撤退,但根据IHS Markit的第三季度预测,结构金属价格预计在2021年总体上涨了22.8%,而制造的结构表将上涨23.8%。这些数字可能是当年的峰值,代表了第二季度报告的急剧增加,该报告分别预测两种材料分别为9.4%和6.8%。

To be sure, the doubling of some steel prices since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 has not wrecked steel construction, which has experienced its most dramatic price leaps since 2004-2008, when price spikes of 50% were seen and the美国钢铁学院first promulgated language for price escalation clauses in contracts.

Depending on the project type, steel materials represent a limited part of the overall cost of a steel-framed building—about 10%, depending on the structure.


But for Elmhurst Group, the Pittsburgh-area developer, cost-control is vital. Its new“创新中心,”a combination of office and warehouse space suited for research and development, will eventually consist of three-story structures. It is being built in two 85,000-sq-ft phases.

When the steel bids came in high, Miller says, “we had to go back and bring in new bidders to see if we could get the price down.” A new bid pared $222,000 off from the $382,000 steel cost increase, with Miller glad he was able to lock in the lower price.

“I was told that in two or three months, the steel costs would have been a $500,000 increase,” he said.

Inflation has stalled or cast uncertainty on transportation projects, too.

George C. Delano, Granite Construction California Valley region project executive, says original estimates for Caltrans' planned redecking and rehabilitation of the American River Bridge in Sacramento are now out of date. It has pipe piles and sheet piles in its substructure and steel girders in the superstructure. The big question is whether to delay work in hopes that prices will tumble.

American River Bridge

Rehab and re-decking of the American River Bridge in Sacramento could be delayed over steel prices. Photo: Courtesy of Caltrans

Some analysts foresee such a decline, noting that global production actually exceeds pre-COVID-19 output and the U.S. is back to 2019 levels after months of underproduction.


Inflation has cornered other project developers into making tradeoffs between cost and schedule.

K. Cyrus Sanandaji, managing director of San Francisco-based developer Presidio Bay Ventures, says one of his company’s general contractors had a project designed with pan decking and metal trusses, where the normal six-month delivery lead time now is one year and threatens to delay the project.


Under the new scheme, steel costs climbed 10%—an acceptable amount with the schedule now under control. If the project had been rebid, says Sanandaji, the costs would have increased by more than 15%.


其他产品类型稀缺和威胁德尔ay projects, too, including polyiso sloped roofing insulation for commercial projects. It now has a current lead time of more than 20 months, Sanandaji says, and “we may need these products in less than half this time” from when it is ordered.

So that means looking to other materials that may be equivalent, such as cellcrete or expanded polystyrene, which may have “faster lead times with costs that are cost neutral or minimally more.”

埃尔姆赫斯特(Elmhurst)的米勒(Miller)表示,他的公司最近从其总承包商之一中学到了另一种涉及墙壁和屋顶绝缘的问题 - 价格欺诈。


米勒说,他和他的员工进行了调查,发现一切都符合总承包商的命令,这使得允许12个以上的数周实际提供材料。但是,一旦Elmhurst这样做,绝缘供应商/供应商声称“不可抗力”,指出其制造商 - 供应商的价格超出了其控制。


与该纽约州工业建筑项目中使用的绝缘材料相似,已经延迟和可能的价格进行欺诈。照片:理查德·科尔曼(Richard Korman)新利18备用



Tearing Up Contracts: Legal Views

Lacking escalation clauses, steel mills and steel service centers sometimes, like the insulation supplier, simply tear up the purchase contracts and demand more money. It is unclear, however, how many steel fabricators cross-out agreed prices or have escalation clauses.


Sherman&Howard的律师Stephen A. Hess说,钢铁价格飞涨的钢铁价格“根据供应合同,实行严重的不当行为,从完全拒绝兑现合同到供应商的要求,要求超出约定的合同价格的付款。”

Contract law nominally provides some protection to buyers, but contractors rarely want to pursue even promising litigation when capitulation is a more expedient – albeit painful – alternative, he says.



If a beam or product of a specific size is needed and only one steel mill or service center in the area can supply it, the supplier enjoys an edge.

到目前为止,钢制制造商,勃起和钢铁供应中心一直不愿公开讨论钢铁价格尖峰的幕后调整。金属服务中心研究所(Metal Service Center Institute)是该协会的成员包括钢铁厂的钢铁服务中心,钢铁厂的分销商拒绝回答问题。

In some cases, the pricing “tactics are predatory,” says Hess. “In other cases mid-stream suppliers have little choice as they are caught in fixed-price supply contracts with contractors but are compelled to purchase steel at ever-increasing market prices; honoring their contracts may ruin their businesses.”

在某些情况下,在某些情况下,史蒂文·亨德森(Steven Henderson链条给所有者。

“If orders can’t be fulfilled at contract prices, and there is no material cost escalation clause, parties are forced" to look for a legal remedy, he says. But forcing another party to pay for cost increases due to market fluctuations in material prices "generally isn't helpful," he says




Partnerships and Contingencies

David Alford, regional vice president of preconstruction at McCarthy Building Cos., agrees that cooperation is the best approach.



埃尔姆赫斯特(Elmhurst)的米勒(Miller)说:“我们试图提出次要的意外情况 - 通货膨胀意外情况。”“这很痛苦,因为投资者不喜欢看到。”