
President Joe Biden signed the stopgap on Oct. 2, reauthorizing those key transportation programs for 30 days and bringing back to their jobs more than 3,000 U.S. Dept. of Transportation workers who had been furloughed.

But a top state transportation official says the new stopgap doesn't provide new federal highway funding to the states for about two weeks.

The brief extension was the House and Senate fallback move after House lawmakers failed to pass a pending, wide-ranging $1-trillion infrastructure package that included a five-year surface transportation reauthorization.


The reason for the delay is an intra-party fight among House Democrats over the linkage between the infrastructure package and Biden's $3.5-trillion Build Back Better framework, which focuses mostly on social policy matters, such as education, health care and climate change.

Moderate Democrats favor a separate vote on the IIJA first. Progressive Democrats, for whom the social policy framework is the top priority, want the two bills to move basically in tandem.

Biden10月2日告诉记者“我是一个现实主义者…我知道法律是如何做的ne." He added, "There is no reason why both these bills couldn't pass independently except that there are not the votes to do it that way. It's a simple proposition."

Unlike the rest of the infrastructure package, the highway and transit reauthorization provisions faced a hard deadline of midnight Sept. 30. Thus, highway and transit funding was halted when there was no vote on the bigger package.



House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) had said in August that the chamber would vote on the infrastructure bill on Sept. 27; she later moved the date to Sept. 30 and then pulled the measure from the floor without a vote, presumably because it was unlikely to pass.

NAPA, AGC Reactions

国家沥青路面协会主席兼首席执行官奥黛丽·科普兰(Audrey Copeland)对众议院没有批准IIJA感到失望。谷轮表示:“通过又一次延长了另一个短期延伸,众议院再次移动了进球哨。”

She said, “The country cannot afford another short-term extension." Copeland added, “We have been waiting far too long.”

The previous surface transportation measure was itself an extension of the 2015 Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act.

美国相关总承包商的发言人布莱恩·图尔马尔(Brian Turmail)通过电子邮件表示,拜登(Biden)“有一个独特的机会,可以帮助获得一项在上周终点线的参议院(IIJA)中获得广泛两党支持的措施。”


AASHTO: 2-Week Funding Delay

美国国家公路协会兼运输官员执行董事吉姆·蒂马(Jim Tymon)表示,他的小组对暂停性的批准表示赞赏。但是他添加了陈述“短期扩展不是一种合适的治理方式。”

Tymon also said the new stopgap doesn’t provide any new funding for state DOTs until Oct. 15, “leaving them without support from their federal partners for weeks while they continue the work of moving people and goods through our communities.”

In explaining why states will have to wait until Oct. 15 for new funds, an AASHTO spokesperson says that "under normal circumstances" states get their annual contract authority from the Federal Highway Administration on Oct. 1.

The AASHTO official said in an email response to ENR, "The reason for the Oct. 15 date seems to be based on an expectation (when the extension was drafted) that the IIJA was pretty close to the finish line, and it would be administratively cleaner not to have to claw back funds if the IIJA passed before Oct. 15.

The spokesperson adds that "this is problematic for state DOTs as this is the funding authority they rely on, and they now have to wait an additional two weeks to receive it. And when they get it on Oct. 15, if things are still up in the air for passage of the IIJA, that adds to more uncertainty."
