阿拉巴马州官员已批准了一项计划,使用美国救援计划中的COVID-19救济资金以及其他来源资助了13亿美元的监狱建设和翻新。该州计划为男性建造一对4,000张床位的“ Megaprisons”,该男性位于埃尔莫尔和埃斯坎比亚县,再加上埃尔莫尔县的妇女1,000张床监狱,并翻新几个现有的州监狱。



Gov. Kay Ivey signed the prison infrastructure bill package on Oct. 1. The funding approved by state lawmakers includes $785 million in bonds to be issued, about $150 million from the state’s general fund and $400 million from federal COVID-19 relief money sent to Alabama.

“Let me be clear, while more reform of the system can and does need to be addressed in the future – and I am committed to that as are many legislators – today’s bill signing on the construction part of this issue is a major step forward,” Ivey said in a statement.




支持者说,美国救援计划中没有什么可以阻止这种钱的使用方式,因为这将有助于支持公共安全。州众议员史蒂夫·克洛斯(Steve Clouse)(R-Ala。)赞助了该法案,该法案将4亿美元用于监狱项目的救济资金,他在阿拉巴马州公共电视台的采访中说新利18备用网址“Capitol Journal”on Sept. 10 that the money will allow one of the two megaprisons to be built without borrowing, saving the state money on interest it would have otherwise had to pay.