
今年的参赛作品展示了各种各样的项目类型。从年度赢家项目(Calplant Rice Straw的MDF制造厂和AES Alamitos电池储能系统)到各个类别的众多获奖者,竞赛都有几个首先的项目。新利18备用网址

Thanks to the large number of entries, the region—which consists of California and Hawaii—was divided into two smaller areas: Northern California and Southern California. Projects in Hawaii could fall into either area.

新利18备用Enr California在建筑行业中召集了一群具有不同专业和专业知识的法官,以审查,得分和确定获奖者。法官独立审查了条目,根据特定的标准对每个项目进行了评分,然后实际上与其他法官召集了他们的最佳项目和功绩奖项的选择。新利18备用网址在利益冲突的情况下,法官被要求自杀。

ENR thanks this year’s panel for their expertise and hard work. The judges, in alphabetical order by first name, were:

  • 洛杉矶PCL Construction Services Inc.副总裁兼地区经理Aaron Yohnke。
  • Angie Kung, associate | environmental section manager, HDR Inc.
  • Beatriz Kim, engineering team lead, Rosendin
  • Lendlease副总裁,运营总监Caleigh Raymer
  • Largo Concrete Inc.项目主管项目主管Donald Kahn
  • CRB校长Doug Conrath
  • 格雷格·尼尔森(Greg Nelson),高空设计办公室校长
  • Kim Scott, vice president, business development and marketing, Blach Construction
  • 特纳建筑公司(Turner Construction Co.)业务发展经理VictorNuñez。


  • 安全,质量和组织发展总监Ted Boyce,Hathaway Dinwiddie
  • 加利福尼亚州JTM Construction Group Inc.安全总监Alan Hayes
  • 今年的独立可持续性专家是:
  • 萨拉·内夫(Sara Neff),伦德莱斯(Lendlease)的美国可持续发展主管
  • 可持续发展总监Jenelle Shapiro

ENR California will present honorees with their awards in person at our Regional Best Projects Awards events, scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 13, in Los Angeles, and Friday, Oct. 15, in San Francisco. Please go the events section of enr.com for more details and registration.