The Connecticut Supreme Court upheld state approval for Florida-based NTE Energy to build a $700 million, 650-MW gas-fired power plant and dismissed opponents’ claim that regulators should not have approved the project without also considering environmental impacts of necessary upgrades to a feeder natural gas pipeline.


While a lower court had also found the council was not required to consider environmental effects of the pipeline, two high court judges did not support the three-member majority's vote.


About 2.5 miles of an existing pipeline running through wetlands would have to be upgraded to expand its volume to serve the power plant, but the upgrades have not been proposed and details are not available.

The court rejected opponents’ claims that the siting council improperly segmented the generating plant from the pipeline to avoid a comprehensive review of the total project’s overall environmental impact. The lower court acknowledged that the two are “intertwined” and the power plant can’t function without the pipeline but noted that line upgrades also will need council review.

Judges said St. Augustine-based NTE must develop a plan to restore the site if pipeline upgrades are not approved but plant construction begins.

Opponents argued that Eversource could ask for a declaratory ruling from the council that the pipeline would not have a substantial adverse environmental effect and not need its approval.



The law also does not prohibit the council from considering the two proposals together, the high court said. The two dissenting justices said the council should have used its discretion to consider the potential environmental impact of the future gas pipeline.


总部位于康涅狄格州格拉斯顿伯里(Glastonbury)的Gemma Power Systems在2020年被选为工厂EPC承包商。其合同价值未披露。该公司在ENR的前400名承包商名单上排名第329,在20新利18备用20年收入中报告了2.681亿美元。该工厂的动力火车合同已授予三菱日立动力系统美洲。


玛丽·米勒(Mary Miller)是对手集团(Atorney)的玛丽·米勒(Mary Miller),而不是另一家发电厂,他说:“很高兴法院鼓励所有允许当局在时代,甚至可能几年的所有许可当局对[管道扩展]问题进行全面且公平的考虑。,“她补充说”仍然认为该管道扩展是严重的威胁,并将继续竭尽所能保护其预期的道路上的宝贵环境资源。”