Despite the construction market upheaval during the pandemic, labor rates remain relatively steady. Analysts noted some short-term adjustments to compensation by construction employers in 2020, with ongoing labor shortages continuing to put pressure on wages.


While much of the industry continues to offer modest wage hikes, some of its highest increases are in lower paid trades, says Jeff Robinson, president of compensation consulting firm Personnel Administration Services. In 2020, merit shop employers offered average wage increases of 3.4% across all trades, according to its 2021 Merit Shop Wage and Benefit Survey. But laborers, who rank as lowest paid among trades surveyed, saw a 4.7% increase—the largest hike reported.



工资压力也可能影响工会交易。加利福尼亚建筑贸易的即将离任的总裁罗比·亨特(Robbie Hunter)表示,建筑工地上的许多优点商店工作人员和“地下经济”工人可以“获得更高的工资在麦当劳工作”。他希望这转化为对高薪工会工作的更多兴趣,但认识到吸引年轻工人进入建筑的斗争。他说:“我们将需要继续提供良好的工资和福利。”

Union settlements remained relatively stable during the pandemic, says Construction Labor Research Council data. First-year increases averaged 3% in 2019 and by early 2021, it dipped to 2.6%. But first-year hikes are back to 2.9%, says Carey Peters, executive director.


In a sign of some market uncertainty, the settlement length also changed significantly.

在2019年,68%的协议a three-year length. That dropped to 44% in 2020. Meanwhile, one-year and two-year deals rose from 4% to 11% and from 6% to 14%, respectively.

So far in 2021, three-year agreements are trending back up to 49% of deals, while one-year and two-year deals are 5% and 11%, respectively.